Refreshments are at 3:30pm; Talks begin at 3:45pm.
Please check the month for up-to-date information. Different times and location are indicated in the specific announcements.
The Engineering Center is at the intersection of Regent and Colorado. Regent is one block west of US 36, the Boulder-Denver Turnpike. Colorado is the first traffic light on US 36 (called 28th St. in Boulder). Metered visitor parking is available just East of the building (about 10 spaces, usually full), along Regent Drive, and in the Visitors' Lot by the Events Center off Regent.
7 Collaboration Technology: Advances and Apocalypse Clarence (Skip) Ellis, Prof. CS Dept, University of Colorado at Boulder 14 No Colloquium Scheduled 21 High Performance Parallel Runtime Systems Dirk Grunwald, Prof. CS Dept, University of Colorado at Boulder 28 State-of-The-Art vs. Practice vs. Research in Requirements Engineering Alan M. Davis, Prof. CS Dept, University of Colorado at Colorado SpringsOctober
5 Listening to Programs: Empiricism and Optimization Benjamin Zorn, Asst. Prof. CS Dept, University of Colorado at Boulder 12 Arborescence Packing: A Case Study in Algorithm Design Harold N. Gabow, Prof. CS Dept, University of Colorado at Boulder 13 Domain Decomposition and Multigrid Algorithms for Elliptic Problems on Unstructured Meshes Tony F. Chan, Prof. Dept of Mathematics UCLA NOTE: Different Time/Location for this talk. See Announcement 19 Discovery and Validation of Engineering Processes Alexander L. Wolf, Asst. Prof. CS Dept, University of Colorado at Boulder 26 New Approaches to Engineering Design: Controlled Chaos and Computer Automation Elizabeth Bradley, Asst. Prof. CS Dept and Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Colorado at BoulderNovember
2 Modeling, Learning, And Meaning Andreas Weigend, Asst. Prof. CS Dept, University of Colorado at Boulder 9 Physics and Biology Software: A Contrast in Styleso Paul Horwitz, Principal Scientist Educational Technologies Department Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc. Cambridge, MA 16 Efficient Bulk Loading of R-trees Scott Leutenegger, Prof. Computer Science University of Denver 23 THANKSGIVING 30 Design Environments in Support of Rethinking, Reinventing and Reengineering Education as a Lifelong Process Gerhard Fischer, Prof. CS Dept and Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Colorado at BoulderDecember
7 Parallel Programming on a Distributed System Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Prof. Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science Vrije University Amsterdam, The NetherlandsSpring 1996, Schedule: Thursdays, 3:30pm, ECCR 2-28
Click here to go to the schedule for the current month.JANUARY
25 Manners in Telecommunication? Gary Marx, Prof. and Chair Department of Sociology University of Colorado at BoulderFEBRUARY
1 Splitting and Searching Harold N. Gabow, Prof. CS Dept, University of Colorado at Boulder 8 Shaking the Foundations: Genetic Algorithm and Recent Theory Darrell Whitley, Prof. Computer Science Department Colorado State University Ft. Collins, CO 15 Environmental Decision Support Systems: Software Engineering in a Multi-disciplinary Setting Rene Reitsma, Research Associate CADSWES (Center for Advanced Decisions Support for Water and Environmental Systems) University of Colorado at Boulder 22 Building New Worlds on the Internet: Community, Creativity, and the Democratization of Computational Media Amy Bruckman MIT Media Lab Cambridge, MA 29 Newton's Method for Aerodynamic and Aero-elastic Analysis and Design Dr. D. P. Young The Boeing Company Seattle, WAMARCH
7 Understanding Complex Systems Jens H. Timmer Center of Data Center of Data Analysis and Modeling Universitaet Freiburg 14Validation of Volatility Models Yaser Abu-Mostafa, Prof. Caltech 21 Musical Instruments, Models, and Machines Co-Sponsored with the Office of Concerts & Cultural Programs Neil Gershenfeld, Prof. Physics and Media Group MIT Media Lab Cambridge, MA 28 SPRING BREAKAPRIL
4 Title/Abstract not available at this time Jens Timmer University of Freiburgx Freiburg, Germany 11 Faculty Recruitment Talk 18 A Statistician's View of Information Retrieval Jan Pedersen XeroxPARC 25 From a Case-Based Reasoning to Scaffolded Electronic Notebooks: A Journey Co-Sponsored with the Institute of Cognitive Science Janet L. Kolodner EduTech Institute College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GAMAY
2 Title/Abstract not available at this time Tim Gill Quark
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