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Spring 1996 CS Courses, by topic, with recitations and labs

Computer Science Department
University of Colorado at Boulder
Academic Year 1995/96

Spring 1996 Course Schedule

CSCI 3104, Algorithms has increased its limit and move to a bigger room. It will now be taught in ECCR 2-26. Another recitation section has been added: CSCI 3104-023, call number 63756, 11:00-11:50 AM Tuesday, Ramalay N1B31.
All recitations for CSCI 1300 are full right now even though we added another section.
Scheduling conflicts involving recitations for CSCI 3155 and CSCI 3753: We have moved the Thursday 9AM CSCI 3155 recitation to 8AM (it became new recitation R014 with new call number 63620 in the process), and have added a new Wednesday 3PM recitation for CSCI 3753: recitation R013 with call number 63619.

Late additions (not in printed schedule):

CSCI 3656, Numerical Computation.
This course is required for the B.S. in Computer Science and used to be taught in the Fall only. This Spring offering should make it easier to take this course before your senior year. Richard Byrd teaching.
TR 2-3:15. Call number 63364. Room ECCR 1-09.

CSCI 4753/5753, Computer Performance Modeling.
This is an elective in the B.S. program in Computer Science. Dirk Grunwald teaching.
TR 9:30-10:45. Call number 63362 for CSCI 4753 and 63364 for CSCI 5753. Room TBA.

CSCI 4830, User Interface Design and Evaluation. (This is a new link, pointing to more information.)
This is a new elective in the B.S. program in Computer Science. Cathleen Wharton teaching.
MW 6:45-8PM. Section 002, call number 63589, room CR 1-3.

CSCI 7818, Essential Readings in Software Engineering.
Alex Wolf teaching.
Time and location TBA. Call number is 63601.

If you have any questions or suggestions, send email to evi@cs.colorado.edu.

This schedule information is also available in a short version (showing lectures but not recitations and labs) and a version sorted by time instead of area. And there are schedules from earlier semesters: Spring 95, Fall 95.

This file was compiled at 10:46 AM, Monday, February 12, 1996.

 Number-Sec.      Cr.  Title                  Call#  Time               Room        Instructor 

I. General Computer Science

 CSCI 1200-010    4  Intro Prog 1             Call#? 1100AM-1215PM TR   ECCR 2-28   Markey
           R012   0  Recitation               51892  0900AM-0950AM M    ECCR 1-30
           R013   0  Recitation               51893  1000AM-1050AM M    ECST 0-03
           R014   0  Recitation               51894  1100AM-1150AM M    BUS 250
           R016   0  Recitation               51896  0100PM-0150PM M    ECST 0-03
           R017   0  Recitation               51897  0200PM-0250PM M    ECCR 1-30
           R018   0  Recitation               51898  0300PM-0350PM M    ECCR 1-01
 CSCI 1210-010    4  Intro Prog 2             Call#? 0400PM-0515PM MW   ECCR 2-6    Zweifel
           R011   0  Recitation               51900  0900AM-0950AM M    ECCR 1-03
           R012   0  Recitation               51901  1000AM-1050AM M    ECCR 1-03
           R016   0  Recitation               51903  0200PM-0250PM M    DUAN 0021
 CSCI 1300-010    4  Intro Computing          Call#? 0200PM-0315PM TR   ECCR 0-30   Hull
           R011   0  Recitation               51904  0900AM-0950AM W    ECCR 1-30
           R012   0  Recitation               51905  1000AM-1050AM W    ECCR 1-03
           R014   0  Recitation               51907  0300PM-0350PM W    ECCR 1-03
           R015   0  Recitation               51908  0400PM-0450PM W    ECCR 1-03
           R016   0  Recitation               63697  0200PM-0250PM W    ECCR 1-30
 CSCI 2270-010    4  Data Structures          Call#? 0300PM-0350PM MWF  ECCR 2-28   Winklmann
           L011   0  Lab                      62313  0930AM-1100AM T    ECCR 0-39    
The ending times for these labs have been slightly adjusted. L012 0 Lab 62314 1100AM-1230PM T ECCR 0-39 L013 0 Lab 62315 0200PM-0330PM T ECCR 0-39 L014 0 Lab 62316 0930AM-1100AM R ECCR 0-39 L015 0 Lab 62317 1100AM-1230PM R ECCR 0-39
Yes, ECCR 0-39. Not HALE 235 as shown in the printed schedule. L016 0 Lab 62318 0200PM-0330PM R ECCR 0-39 L017 0 Lab 63851 0700PM-0830PM T ECCR 0-39
0 CSCI 4830-001 3 Topics: Chaotic Dynamics 62960 1230PM-0145PM TR ECCR 0-30 Bradley
Same as CSCI 7000 Section 005. CSCI 4830-002 3 Topics: User Interface Des 63589 0645PM-0800PM MW ECCR 1-03 Wharton CSCI 4830-801 3 Topics: The Canon 0400PM-0630PM M MUEN D430 Eisenberg
Changed day to Monday to avoid conflicts. Same as CSCI 7000 Section 008. Limited enrollment. Contact Mike Eisenberg. CSCI 6800-800 1-6 Master of Eng Proj CSCI 7000-001 3 Topics: Cognitive Arch in HCI 62323 0200PM-0315PM TR ECCR 0-36 Canceled CSCI 7000-002 3 Topics: Network Systems 62320 1230PM-0145PM TR DUAN G125 Nemeth
Same as CSCI 4273. CSCI 7000-005 3 Topics: Chaotic Dynamics 62961 1230PM-0145PM TR ECCR 0-30 Bradley
Same as CSCI 4830 Section 001. CSCI 7000-007 3 Topics: Issues + Meth Cogn Sci 63488 0500PM-0615PM TR MUEN D430 Eisenberg / Jurafsky
Section number and call number have changed compared to an earlier posting. CSCI 7000-008 3 Topics: The Canon 63641 0400PM-0630PM M MUEN D430 Eisenberg
Changed day to Monday to avoid conflicts. Hence new call number and section.

II. Parallel Processing

 CSCI 5551        3  Parallel Proc            52040  1230PM-0145PM TR   ECCR 0-14   ECEN 
See ECE schedule. Look for ECEN 5533. (Note last digit.) CSCI 7111-001 3 Topics Parallel Proc 62804 1230PM-0145PM TR ECCR 0-38 Johnson

III. Artificial Intelligence

 CSCI 3202-001    3  Artificial Intelligence  62328  0200PM-0250PM MWF  ECCR 1-46   Martin
 CSCI 6622-001    3  Advanced Connectionist Modeling 52092 0930AM-1045AM TR DUAN G131 Weigend 
The room has changed, to allow on-line presentations. CSCI 7212-001 3 Topics Symb AI (Design) 62463 0400PM-0515PM MW ECST 0-03 Fischer

IV. Operating Systems and Hardware

 CSCI 3753-010    4  Systems                  Call#? 0930AM-1045AM TR   ECCR 1-12   Nutt
           R011   0  Recitation               51974  1100AM-1150AM W    STAD 135
           R012   0  Recitation               51975  1200PM-1250PM W    ECCR 0-36
           R013   0  Recitation               63619  0300PM-0350PM W    ECCR 1-01    
New recitation. CSCI 4113-001 3 Sys Admin Workshop
Cancelled. CSCI 4273-001 3 Network Systems 62787 1230PM-0145PM TR Duane G 125 Nemeth
Also listed as CSCI 7000, Section 002. CSCI 4593 3 Computer Org 59180 0200PM-0250PM MWF ECEN
See ECE schedule for location. CSCI 4753-001 3 Performance Modeling 63362 0930AM-1045AM TR ECCR 1-5 Grunwald
Same as CSCI 5753. CSCI 5753-001 3 Performance Modeling 63363 0930AM-1045AM TR ECCR 1-5 Grunwald
Same as CSCI 4753.

V. Theory of Computation

 CSCI 3104-020    4  Algorithms               Call#? 0100PM-0150PM MWF  ECCR 2-26   Ehrenfeucht / Winklmann
           R021   0  Recitation               63712  0200PM-0250PM T    STAD 140
           R022   0  Recitation               63713  0330PM-0420PM T    STAD 140
           R023   0  Recitation               63756  1100AM-1150AM T    ECCR 1-28 - 30
 CSCI 3434-001    3  Comp Sci Theory          51972  1100AM-1150AM MWF  ECCR 0-16   Ehrenfeucht
 CSCI 5454-001    3  Algorithms               52036  0400PM-0515PM MW   ECCR 0-36   Gabow 

VI. Programming Languages

 CSCI 3155-010    4  Princ Prog Lang          Call#? 1100AM-1150AM MWF  ECCR 2-26   Zorn
           R011   0  Recitation                      0900AM-0950AM R    MUEN D144    
This recitation was moved, to 8AM. R012 0 Recitation 51966 1000AM-1050AM R MUEN E431 R013 0 Recitation 51967 0100PM-0150PM R STAD 135 R014 0 Recitation 63620 0800AM-0850AM R ECCR 1-42
Call number TBA. CSCI 5535 3 Concepts Prog Langs 62875 0300PM-0350PM MWF ECEN
See ECE schedule. Look for ECEN 5533. (Note last digit.) CSCI 5565 3 Transl Prog Langs 63055 1100AM-1215PM TR ECEN
See ECE schedule. Look for ECEN 5563. (Note last digit.)

VII. Numerical Computation

 CSCI 3656-001    3  Numerical Comp           63364  0200PM-0315PM TR   ECCR 1-09   Byrd 
This course now has a room, which was TBA for a while. CSCI 4676-810 High-Perf Comp 1 0200PM-0250PM MW ECCR 0-08 Jessup CSCI 4676-811 Lab 0200PM-0500PM T HPSC Lab Jessup CSCI 5636-001 3 Partial Diff Eqs 52043 0200PM-0315PM TR ECCR 1-5 Cai CSCI 5646-001 3 Numerical Linear Algebra 62817 0400PM-0515PM MW ECCR 1-24 Jessup CSCI 6686-001 3 Constrained Optimization
Not offered.

VIII. Database Systems

 CSCI 5817-001    3  Database Systems (CATECS) 52044 0400PM-0630PM W    ECCR 0-12   King 

IX. Software Engineering

 CSCI 4318-010    4  Software Eng Proj 2      Call#? 1100AM-1215PM TR   CDSS 230    Sanders
           R011   0  Recitation               51978  1000AM-1050AM F    GEOL 114
           R012   0  Recitation               51979  1100AM-1150AM F    MUEN E123
 CSCI 5828-001    3  Foundations Softw Eng (CATECS) 52045 0930AM-1045AM TR ECCR 0-14 Wolf
 CSCI 6838-001    3  User Interf Des (CATECS) 52140  0700PM-0930PM W    ECCR 0-12   Lewis
 CSCI 7818-001    3  Essential Readings in Software Engineering 63601 0200PM-0430PM T ECST 0-03 Wolf 

X. Graphics

 CSCI 5229-001    3  Comp Graphics            52035  0400PM-0630PM M    ECCR 1-40   McBryan 

Other scheduled events

                     COLLOQUIA                       0330PM-0445PM R    ECCR 2-28
                     FAC LUNCH                       1200PM-1250PM F    ECOT 7-24
                     FACULTY MEETINGS                1200PM-1250PM M    ECOT 7-24
                     PHD COLLOQUIA                   0100PM-0150PM M

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