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Academic Information

* Undergraduate Handbook (1995-96)
* Undergraduate Handbook (1994-95)
* Graduate Studies
* Course Evaluations

Quick Access to Courses Information
Winter 1996 (Based on Undergraduate Registration Handbook)

Course   	Title					Intructor(s)
(Handbook)   (Text book information)
1700   Introduction to Computer Science			D. Batten   R. Gupta   M.S. Zuberek
  					          	M. Rayment   Zahra Ziaei  

2602   Computer Programming in Fortran and Basic        Peter Shea      David Penney

2710   Problem Solving and Programming    		D. Batten   N. Rehner

2711   Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures   R. Gupta   N. Rehner 

2740   Discrete Structures I   				A.G. Middleton K. Vidyasankar

2741   Discrete Stuctures II				C. A. Wang 

2752   Introduction to Business Data Processin         Not Offered

2801   Introductory Computing for Business    		M.S. Zuberek  D. Penney

2810   Elementary Data Processing    			Not Offered

3710   Vocational Languages    	         		Michael Rendell	

3711   Algorithms and Complexity    			C. Wang

3714   Programming Language Translation and Interpretation   M. Barth 

3723   Logic Design					NOT OFFERED  

3724   Computer Organization    			R. Byrne

3725   Computer Architecture    			A. Deb

3731   Numerical Methods			        Alan Law	

3740   Abstract Machines, Languages and Computations   	W.M. Zuberek

3751   Computational Aspects of Operations Research	NOT OFFERED

3753   Computational Aspects of Linear Programming	NOT OFFERED

4711   Structure of Programming Languages   		Eva Gombas

4712   Compiler Construction				NOT OFFERED

4715   Formal Specification of Programming Languages	NOT OFFERED

4716   Developments in Software Methodology		NOT OFFERED

4717   Functional Languages and Machines   		NOT OFFERED

4718   Software Methodology    				NOT OFFERED

4719   Special Topics in Programming Languages		NOT OFFERED

4721   Operating Systems Principles 	                A. Deb	

4723   Introduction to Microprocessors 			NOT OFFERED

4725   Introduction to LSI Design 			NOT OFFERED

4726   Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems    	W.M. Zuberek

4727   Elements of Parallel Computation 		NOT OFFERED

4728-4729   Special Topics in Computer Systems  	NOT OFFERED

4734   Matrix Computations and Applications 		NOT OFFERED

4735   Advanced Matrix Computations and Applications	NOT OFFERED

4736   Special Topics in Numerical Computations 	NOT OFFERED

4737   Numerical Algorithms for Supercomputers 		NOT OFFERED

4738-4739   Special Topics in Numerical Computations  	NOT OFFERED

4740   Design and Analysis of Algorithms	        M. Mata-Montero	

4741   Formal Languages and Automata Theory		NOT OFFERED

4745   Introduction to Computational Geometry 		NOT OFFERED

4746   Special Topics in Theoretical Aspects: Distributed Computing NOT OFFERED

4747   The Complexity Class NP  			NOT OFFERED

4748   The Science of Complexity 			NOT OFFERED

4749   Special Topics in Theoretical Aspects    	NOT OFFERED

4751   Computer Graphics	                        NOT OFFERED	

4753   Introduction to Artificial Intelligence          NOT OFFERED

4754   Database Systems                          	NOT OFFERED		

4755   Information Retrieval 				NOT OFFERED

4756   Image Processing 				NOT OFFERED

4757   Computer Animation 				NOT OFFERED

4758   Foundations of Computer Aided Design		NOT OFFERED

4759   Computer Networks                 		Jian Tang	

4760   Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks	        Siwei Lu

4761   Special Topics in Human-Computer Interaction     Edward Brown	

4762-4769   Special Topics in Applications 		NOT OFFERED

4780   Honors Project   				UNKNOWN

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Last updated March 16th, 1995 at 16:00 Boon C. NG