(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
The Internet
The Internet
The Internet is a vast, sprawling, global computer network. The
"Net", as it is commonly called, is a loose connection of hundreds of
thousands of computers. These nodes on the Internet are
interconnected through cables, telephone lines, satellite systems, and
fiber optics.
The Internet is a result from early efforts from DARPA, the
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. DARPA worked towards an
Internet technology in the early 1970's. The "Net" took its
current form (with protocols and architectures) starting in 1979.
It is very important that people using the Internet use proper etiquette. In
Cyberspace, this is called
There are a variety of ways to explore the Internet. For example, the
Internet Resources Metamap describes a variety of ways to explore
the Internet.
There is also an
Internet Services List, which describes some of the special services
that the Net has to offer.