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[D&B] Acknowledgments

Dun & Bradstreet's World Wide Web site was made possible through the united efforts of our Internet Team. Thanks for your help and dedication!

We would also like to thank the customers that participated in the beta test of our online product. Your feedback (positive and negative) was extremely helpful in refining this service.

This server is powered by products from the following vendors:

We use Hewlett Packard hardware to host the Web Server software.
We're running the Netscape Netsite Commerce Server in secure mode to help ensure the confidentiality of your transaction.
The back-end system, that interfaces to our databases and other systems, was written in Smalltalk using VisualWorks from ParcPlace-Digitalk.
Our connection to the Internet is provided by Performance Systems International (PSI).

Hewlett Packard, Netscape, ParcPlace-Digitalk and Performance Systems International are trademarks of the respective vendors.

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Copyright © 1996 Dun & Bradstreet, Inc.
January 16, 1996 - CAH