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Welcome to Tomigaya Events

[Digital Harajuku Collection] | [GII Junior Summit] | [Tenjinyama Ski Resort] | [Prix Ars Electronica '95 WWW Jury Page]

Digital Harajuku Collection

Digital Harajuku Collection is a recent Internet World Expo event held in Tokyo. With allure of fashion show, involvement of celebreties like Reiko Chiba, and free access to Internet, Digital Harajuku Collection strived to increase the awareness of Internet in Japan. Eccosys broadcasted the fashion show LIVE to Internet using Streamworks.

GII Junior Summit

A current project that consists of 40 students from all over the world coming together in November in Tama, Japan to discuss "Earth Rescue Strategies". To demonstrate the potential of the GII, the Junior Summit will be using CU See-me, MOO, E-mail and WWW technology to enhance the discussions at the Summit. Learn more by entering the Server!

Tenjinyama Ski Resort

Tenjinyama Ski Resort is conveniently located within 3 hours of Tokyo by train. Why don't you visit this winter?

Prix Ars Electronica '95 WWW Jury Page

The Prix Ars Electronica had a new catagory this year to judge and give awards to web sites. The winners will be announced on 4/20/95 and the awards will be awarded in June. Please watch this space for announcements of the winners and a hotlist of the sites.

[Digital Harajuku Collection] | [GII Junior Summit] | [Tenjinyama Ski Resort] | [Prix Ars Electronica '95 WWW Jury Page]

2/8/96 YKY