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Many of these documents are in an Adobe Acrobat "*.pdf" portable document format (noted by the "" icon). To read such documents you'll need to either configure your browser for "Acrobat Reader" to view "*.pdf" documents on screen or save them to disk for later local viewing via the Reader. A free download of the "Acrobat Reader" is available at the Adobe Acrobat Site.

Documents below with the icon are formatted with tables and are best viewed with a rubust browser such as Netscape.

OMB's Five Year Plan (1.5meg)

SSA's Accountability Report For Fiscal Year (FY) 1995 (various)

GSA's FY'95 Accountability Report

NSF FY'94 Trust Fund Statements (374k) ||| (131k)

NSF FY'95 Five Year Plan (214k)

Army, Financial Statements FY '94

Alberta, Canada FY'94 Financial Statements

FDIC Financial Statements, FY'94


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