(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
TinyMUCK v2.2fb5.3x Documentation
TinyMUCK version 2.2, FuzzBall release 5.3x is a user-extendible, multi-user adventure game.
The emphasis is on free-form roleplaying and social interaction.
There is no ultimate goal to the game, except to have fun.
There are puzzles to solve, places to visit, and people to meet.
There are no winners or losers, only fellow players.
This hyperdocument contains links to all of the available documentation relevant
to the fb5 MUCK server, grouped by subject.
This information is not FurryMUCK specitic, but should be generic to fb5 MUCKs.
Index to Topics
Getting Started
Three's Dictionary and Encyclopedia
TinyMUCK v2.2fb5.30 Help
An Introduction to MPI
General Information
The following hypertext documents are derived from help files included in the
fb5.36 distribution archive.
Message Parsing Interpreter
MPI is the Message Parsing Interpreter built into the FuzzBall server; it is a
particularly powerful, vaguely lisp-like language that can be used by any player,
simply by including MPI commands in message strings.
Multi-User Forth
MUF is the Multi-User Forth that is built into the server.
MUF can be used only by players that have a MUCKER bit.
Changes and Updates
Finally, there is a lot of material available which can only be classified as
miscellany. In general, these describe changes from TinyMUD to TinyMUCK to
FuzzBall, and the new material added with each FuzzBall release.
Return to the FurryMUCK Home Page
Page created by Telzey, and maintained by Tugrik d'Itichi.