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Northwest Nexus

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Our Mission

To be a nexus - a connecting point for the Internet/Usenet community by providing reliable, economical public access to open networks using standard, non-proprietary protocols.

Our Company

Northwest Nexus was incorporated in Washington State in 1987 by three partners with over 50 combined years of experience in computer and network operations, network engineering, and business. Our first services were UUCP connectivity and online access to the Usenet - a worldwide network of over 2,000,000 computer systems currently exchanging information in more than 4,500 different forums.

Starting with Honeywell Marine Systems Division in Everett (now Alliant Techsystems) as our first customer, we have steadily grown over the years. Halcyon.com pioneered public Internet access in the Pacific Northwest in the Spring of 1992 and continues to provide a wide range of personalized services to its users throughout the Greater Puget Sound region.

Accounts have included such organizations as Nintendo of America, McCaw Cellular, US West, GTE, Immunex Corporation, Traveling Software, and many smaller businesses, professional organizations, consultants, and individuals. Although our primary target market is the Puget Sound area, we have customers from around the world.

The halcyon.com domain linked to Northwest Nexus in March, 1992, providing the first Public-Access Internet site in the Pacific Northwest. DataWay, the parent company of halcyon, merged with Northwest Nexus on April 1, 1993, providing both entities a wider range of services to the electronic community of Puget Sound.

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Last modified: 4 August 1995