TIS provides the fastest international IP link in Africa via the SAT-2 undersea fibre optic cable. Current international bandwidth includes two high speed links via Sprint and AT & T. The Internet Solution also provides a direct circuit into Uninet - the South African University network. This facilitates local access for its clients to Southern African academic resources.
TIS is now in its third year of business. Like the company, the people within TIS are young, dynamic, highly-skilled and highly-motivated. Together they provide a service which covers all aspects of connecting to the Internet: registration, configuration and training. Our service also includes configuring routers, mail, domain names and web servers. But establishing an Internet connection is only the initial phase of TIS service; the company has earned a reputation for its high level of on-going customer support. Each client's connection is constantly monitored to enable immediate detection and correction of faults.
The Internet Solution maintains dynamic alliances with key international and local networking figures such as Sun, Silicon Graphics, Centera and Dimension Data. Such alliances allow TIS to partner important IT projects, providing vital Internet expertise and assisting organizations maintaining wide area networks to maximize the use of existing equipment through the Internet.
Although the company's primary activity continues to be dedicated Internet connectivity, The Internet Solution has diversified its operation with the launch of two sister companies:
Trusted Network Solutions
was formed in response to growing demand for secure Internet-based systems
for commercial use. TNS services included firewall installation and
configuration and secure e-mail services.
Internet Connection was formed in
partnership with the leading software retail chain, Software Connection
with the aim of providing cheap dial-up access to the
Internet. Internet Connection customers are provided with Netmanage's
Chameleon Internet access suite, pay a
flat-rate and have access to Web space to develop their own HTML pages.
The Internet Solution operates an official name server for the South African commercial domain and maintains the org.za domain for non-profit organizations. TIS also provides the official African repository of Internet documents and maintains mirror sites of important international networking resources to offer faster access for its clients.
TIS provides an authoring service for World Wide Web
sites. Recent prominent projects include Amalgamated Banks of South Africa (ABSA),
and Novell South Africa. We mantain a
public Web server,
WebCo., whose clients include The Electronic Mail & Guardian and South African Airways.
And while it concentrates on high-end digital links to the Internet, TIS also has facilities for single-user dial-up access, as well as dedicated staff to assist dial-up users with any connection difficulties.