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The Courseware Developers and Users Group

Instructional Technology Program
University of California, Berkeley

Directed by Fred Beshears


Faculty members, graduate students, and staff from all departments are invited to participate in ITP's Courseware Developers and Users Group (CDUG) to explore areas of general interest through ITP sponsored developer site visits, workshops, demonstrations, and seminars. CDUG also sponsors events of special interest to faculty from departments not represented by ITP's discipline specific focus groups. To encourage a cross-fertiziation of ideas and interests, CDUG members are also invited to participate in events sponsored by ITP's discipline specific focus groups.


Follow these links to resource pages for Writing, Foreign Language, and the Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Focus Group WWW sites.

For further information about ITP, see our ITP Homepage

-- this page created by Fred Beshears
-- fmb@violet.berkeley.edu

The Instructional Technology Program is a unit of IS&T