(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
The Courseware Developers and Users Group
Instructional Technology Program
University of California, Berkeley
Directed by Fred Beshears
Faculty members, graduate students, and staff from all departments are
invited to participate in ITP's Courseware Developers and Users Group (CDUG)
to explore areas of general interest through ITP sponsored developer site
visits, workshops, demonstrations, and seminars. CDUG also sponsors events
of special interest to faculty from departments not represented by ITP's
discipline specific focus groups. To encourage a cross-fertiziation of ideas
and interests, CDUG members are also invited to participate in events sponsored by ITP's discipline specific focus groups.
- The Dwinelle Teleconferencing Facility Site Visit
- On Monday, May 1st, CDUG visited the Dwinelle Teleconferencing Facility. At present, the facility serves four primary functions:
- Teaching: transmission or receipt of for-credit courses from/to the
Berkeley campus (including UC Extension courses). Videoconferencing offers
opportunities for: receiving or disseminating coursework not normally
available on a particular campus; presenting geographically remote guest
speakers or experts in various fields; team teaching with distant
- Research: videoconferencing may be used as a means of acquiring and
disseminating scholarly information; collaborating on academic projects;
conducting meetings or conferences; attending meetings or conferences
held in remote sites.
- Extra-curricular programming: transmission or receipt of special
one-time programs or events sponsored by UCB departments or programs
(particularly those requiring two-way interaction),
- Administrative functions: a means of conducting administrative
meetings between distant sites; recruitment and admissions; community
outreach and public relations. Fee-based uses by non-UC organizations.
- Museum Informatics Project Site Visit
- On Monday, April 17, 1995, CDUG visited the
Museum Informatics Project.
MIP, a department of Information Systems and Technology, is a collaborative
effort at the University of California, Berkeley, to coordinate the
application of information technology in museums and other organized,
non-book collections. MIP works with faculty, collections managers, and
curators to develop data models, system architectures, and demonstration
systems as bases for coordinated and integrated approaches to the application
of information technology in museums and archives. Through these efforts,
MIP expects to facilitate and broaden access to fundamental academic
collections resources by scholars, students, and the public. Because many
issues MIP faces are shared by the University Library, the two organizations
are collaborating closely.
Follow these links to resource pages for
Foreign Language, and
the Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Focus Group WWW sites.
For further information about ITP, see our ITP Homepage
-- this page created by Fred Beshears
The Instructional Technology Program is a unit of IS&T