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Known Bugs in the Alpha Release

The known bugs are divided into five categories:

See also the Frequently Requested Features list. You may also want to review the known bugs in the Java Developers Kit, version 1.0.

To report a bug that is not on this list, please see Submit a Bug Report instructions.

Browser Bugs

Bugs in HotJava's User Interface

The cursor must be in a textfield in order to be able to type into that field.
Backspace deletes the character after the cursor in text fields.
The PgDn, PgUp, and cursor keys don't scroll the document.
Mail or news article compose windows are lost when you close them.
HotJava doesn't highlight the full anchor properly if the anchor consists of multiple styles.
The list area of the hotlist dialog resizes when you add or delete items to the hotlist.
Various menu items (View Source, Print) should be disabled for non-existent URL's.
The UI looks bad if HotJava cannot allocate the default background color.
On some systems the windows are sized too small. When this occurs, the status bar or buttons on the window are cut off.
Error Messages do not wrap so they are sometimes not completely visible.
There is no warning to the user if audio does not work.
There should be a warning when the user tries to reload a window with filled-out forms.
The Reset button in a form does not reset pop-up lists.
The file dialog only processes the directory component of the default filename.

Bugs in Document Parsing and Formatting

Missing src attribute in <img> tag causes HotJava to stop formatting.
Viewing large images causes problems with scrolling and refreshes.
Some forms can cause an exception during formatting.
Some forms can result in ugly formatting of the form items.
The HTML parser fails to ignore carriage-returns in attributes.

Bugs in Downloading and Network Access

HotJava will fail to load a protocol handler if an applet is the first to use it.
Accessing a directory using the "file:" protocol doesn't work.
Malformed URLs fail without printing an error message.
Firewall configuration fails if $HOME environment variable is not set.

Bugs in Printing

HotJava cannot print forms or index items embedded in HTML documents.
Printing is done in the foreground. The print dialog stays up until printing is complete.

Bugs in HotJava's Operation

Applets doing animation or playing sounds aren't stopped when HotJava is iconified.
HotJava consumes a small amount of CPU when it is iconified.
The AudioItem applet freezes the formatter until an audio connection is made.
"View Source" does not handle carriage returns correctly.

Language Bugs

Bugs in the "javac" Compiler

The compiler does not allow allocating multi-dimensional arrays by individual rows.
The compiler does not recognize "str += object" as a String concatenation.
Declaring a variable in a finally clause yields an undefined variable error.
The compiler throws an exception if an unused variable has an array initializer.
The compiler does not allow methods and fields to share names.

Bugs in the Java Runtime Environment

Depletion of a resource such as file descriptors should induce finalization.
Stopping an already stopped context throws an exception.
Stopping a thread does not wake it up from waiting on I/O.
Only java_g supports the -l<number> flag, but it's in java's usage message.

Bugs in HotJava's Applet Handling

HotJava sometimes does not reload applets when a document is reloaded.
Reloading does not work if HotJava is started in public_html/classes.
Applets can't use native components.
GenericGraphics.background instance variable is not initialized.
Applets can open arbitrary file descriptors.

Documentation Bugs

VM Spec
The opcodes for multianewarray and breakpoint are wrong. They should be: multianewarray=197, and breakpoint=198.
Postscript versions of manuals
In the Alpha release postscript versions of the documentation are limited to the white papers. All other documentation is available only in html.

Solaris Specific Bugs

SS5 with S24 framebuffer
HotJava does not scroll documents correctly on a SparcStation 5 with a S24 framebuffer (also known as a TCX framebuffer). A workaround for this problem is to use the "openwin -nominexp" option to the openwin script.
Can't type in text boxes
In the 1.0Alpha3 release the background color for all type-in text areas was changed to white. (for example the document URL type-in area at the top of the browser) Some users have reported white on white text with Alpha3. We set only the background color, not the foreground color. If you are using CDE 1.0 choosing the "northern sky" palette can cause this problem. The solution is to choose a different palette or explicitly change your foreground color.
CDE 1.0
If you run HotJava under CDE 1.0 you may experience difficulty launching CDE apps like dtpad in HotJava. The problem can be fixed by making sure that you set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /usr/dt/lib prior to running HotJava so that the CDE version of the Motif 1.2.3 library is used instead of the version in $HOTJAVA_HOME/lib.
HotJava prints warnings about OSF keysym bindings when running over the network on some systems.

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