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Java Applets at Other Web Sites (Beta)

This page lists WWW sites (other than ours) that have Java(tm) applets that conform to the Beta API. You will be able to view them in the Netscape Navigator(tm) 2.0 browser. You can also view these applets with the Applet Viewer, a tool that is distributed in the JDK release. To run one of these applets with the Applet Viewer, just specify the URL with the appletviewer command, like this:
appletviewer http://www.intrepid.com/~robertl/option-pricer3.html

Note: To find applets that the 1.0 Alpha 3 HotJava(tm) browser can run, see our list of Alpha applets.

This page is split into sections:

Within each section, links are sorted from newest to oldest. The most recent additions are marked by the New! symbol.

Note: We're no longer adding to this page -- it's gotten too hard to keep up with the volume of requests! See the Gamelan website to find more applets.

Some Applet Contest Entries

We've converted some of the applet contest entries to the new applet API. See the Applet Programming Contest Results for more information about the applet contest.

Pythagoras' Haven: applets/contest/Pythagoras/index.html
An animated graphical proof of the famous theorem. A great example of an educational applet that uses animation, text, and graphics to explain the proof. It also cleverly works around the absence of polygon fill operations. Grand Prize.
Dining Philosophers: applets/contest/DiningPhilosophers/index.html
A classic multiprocess synchronization problem. Extremely creative and funny applet to illustrate the Dining Philosophers problem. Excellent use of images, animation, and audio. To understand what is going on, read the description first. This applet takes a while to load completely. First Prize.
Chernobyl Reactor: applets/contest/NuclearPlant/index.html
Don't try this at home! This applet lets you control a nuclear power plant. Excellent use of animation, audio, images, and graphics. It is really nice that you can actually avoid a meltdown by correctly operating the various valves and pumps. Second Prize.
LED: applets/contest/LED/index.html
A configurable LED sign. A great example of a really powerful applet. It has an entire scripting language to control the LED display. Third Prize.
Cannon: applets/contest/Cannon/index.html
User shoots a cannon at a target by controlling various parameters. Lots of fun. Honorable Mention.
Voltage: applets/contest/Voltage/index.html
User performs a physics experiment to try and determine amperage of a light bulb. Graphical interface. Good educational value. Honorable Mention.
Abacus: applets/contest/Abacus/index.html
An abacus. Good educational value. Honorable Mention.
Neon Sign: applets/contest/NeonSign/index.html
A blinking neon light. Simple but very effective. Honorable Mention.
Crossword: applets/contest/Crossword/index.html
Daily crossword puzzle. An excellent game. Honorable Mention.

Games and Other Diversions

No submissions yet.

Applets to Spice Up a Page

LED Clock: http://www.eznet.com/javademo/ledclock/ledclock.html
An LED clock.
Visual Music: http://galt.cs.nyu.edu/andruid/groove.html
This applet portrays notes as color sustained in a shape, instead of pitch sustained with a timbre. Read the explanatory text to understand the applet.

Educational Applets

KV Diagram and Logic Minimization Demo: http://tech-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/applets/kvd/index.html
Creates or lets you edit a random logic function, and displays the KV diagram for the function. You can draw KV loops to combine terms and minimize the logic needed to realize the function.
Learn to Dance: http://tech-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/dance/JDance-e.html
Beta and alpha applets that demonstrate some basic dance figures (slow waltz, tango, slow fox, foxtrot) in real time with audio. The link above is to the English version. There's also a German one.
CMOS Gate Demonstration: http://tech-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/fun/javademo/cmosdemo/cmosdemo.html
Beta and alpha applets that demonstrate CMOS basic and complex gates -- inverter, NAND, NOR, etc. (The applets require a color display.) The link above is to the English version. There's also a German one.

Utilities and Business Applications

Telemedicine: http://www.acl.lanl.gov/~rdaniel/classesJDK/PickTest2.html
An impressive applet that shows two images: a frontal x-ray and a transverse slice from part of the lung. A simple interface lets you choose the slice you see. Source included.
Commission Pricer: http://www.intrepid.com/~robertl/commissions-pricer3.html
How much will it cost you to sell that stock? This applet knows about many brokers (and gives you their phone numbers).
Option Pricer: http://www.intrepid.com/~robertl/option-pricer3.html
Prices financial options.

For Programmers Only

ImageButton: http://www.cs.brown.edu/people/amd/java/ImageButton/
An API for creating nifty graphical buttons. A beta version of the Button(Image, Image, Image) constructor that was in the alpha 3 API (but isn't in the beta API).
GIFFactory: http://www.cs.brown.edu/people/amd/java/GIFFactory/
A wrapper for loading GIFs synchronously under the Beta API. (Also see the MediaTracker discussion on Jim Graham's home page.)

Collections of Applets

Orbital Technologies: http://www.virtual-inn.co.uk/orbital/java.html
A collection of applets from an early Java developer.
Universität Gesamthochschule Kassel, Department of Engineering Measurement: http://www.uni-kassel.de/fb16/ipm/mt/java/beta/bdemo.html
Applets such as an animated "New" sign that expires, a text hider, and a dial. See explanations in English or German.

Java Powered Home Pages

Department of Engineering Measurement, University of Kassel:
http://www.uni-kassel.de/fb16/ipm/mt/welcomee.html (English)
http://www.uni-kassel.de/fb16/ipm/mt/welcome.html (German)

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