hide random home http://www.javasoft.com/mail.html (PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)

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comp.lang.java newsgroup created

The comp.lang.java newsgroup was recently created for discussion of the Java(tm) Programming Language, writing Java programs, porting the Java Language Runtime, etc. Its charter does not include discussion of the HotJava(tm) WWW browser, although alt.www.hotjava is appropriate for that.

Because these groups now exist, and because of the load on our server and net connection, we want to deemphasize the Java-related mailing lists as a primary means of communicating about Java and HotJava. While the mailing lists have historically been an invaluable means of keeping people informed, they have grown to a size that makes them expensive and difficult to support. The newsgroups are a much more efficient way of providing the same information.

We are thus strongly encouraging people to try reading comp.lang.java and alt.www.hotjava before joining our mailing lists. Use a list as a last resort, for instance joining hotjava-interest if your site doesn't get "alt" groups. If you are currently subscribed to our mailing lists but can get your information via news, we urge you to unsubscribe from the lists.

We are forwarding the java-announce, java-interest and java-porting mailing lists to comp.lang.java, and hotjava-interest to alt.www.hotjava, so news readers won't miss anything.

Other Mailing Lists and Resources

Mailing lists and resources supported by other groups and relating to Java(tm) products.

Our Mailing Lists

Please do not send subscription requests to the mailing lists!

To subscribe, send the word "subscribe" in the BODY of the mail to listname-request@java.sun.com, where listname is one of the mailing list names below.

This mailing list is a strictly moderated forum for announcements of significant new releases or ports of the Java(tm) or HotJava(tm) technologies. It is expected to be have very little traffic, maybe one announcement every few weeks.
To subscribe send the word "subscribe" in the BODY of a message to java-announce-request@java.sun.com

This is a Java(tm) interest mailing list. Subscribers to this list are interested in the Java Programming Language, independent of the HotJava(tm) Browser. Postings concerning the HotJava Browser should be directed to the hotjava-interest@java.sun.com mailing list.
To subscribe send the word "subscribe" in the BODY of a message to java-interest-request@java.sun.com

This is a Java(tm) interest digest mailing list. The digest is a daily composition of the postings to the java-interest mailing list. No editing is done to those postings, only collection into a single message.
To subscribe send the word "subscribe" in the BODY of a message to java-interest-digest-request@java.sun.com

This mailing list is for discussion of porting the Java(tm) Language Runtime to new platforms. Porting the HotJava(tm) Browser starts with porting the underlying Java Language Runtime.
To subscribe send the word "subscribe" in the BODY of a message to java-porting-request@java.sun.com

This is a java-porting digest mailing list. The digest is a daily composition of the postings to the java-porting@java.sun.com mailing list. No editing is done to those postings, only collection into a single message.
To subscribe send the word "subscribe" in the BODY of a message to java-porting-digest-request@java.sun.com

This is a HotJava(tm) interest mailing list. Subscribers to this list are interested in HotJava, Sun's WWW browser with executable content. Discussions concerned strictly with the Java Programming Language should go to the java-interest@java.sun.com mailing list.
To subscribe send the word "subscribe" in the BODY of a message to hotjava-interest-request@java.sun.com

This is a hotjava-interest digest mailing list. The digest is a daily composition of the postings to the hotjava-interest mailing list. No editing is done to those postings, only collection into a single message.
To subscribe send the word "subscribe" in the BODY of a message to hotjava-interest-digest-request@java.sun.com

Unsubscribing from mailing lists is similar to subscribing. You normally just send the word "unsubscribe" in the body of a message to the same address to which you subscribed to the list. Please do not send unsubscription requests directly to the mailing lists!

If the easy way of unsubscribing doesn't work, you are probably subscribed under a different address than the one your mail appears to be coming from. You can search for a substring substr in addresses on the mailing lists by mailing majordomo@java.sun.com a message with a line like "which substr" in the body. It will respond with a list of all subscribed addresses containing substr.

The majordomo mailing list server can do a lot of things not covered here. You can mail majordomo@java.sun.com a message with a line "help" in the body to get a list of all the commands it understands. If you can't figure out how to make majordomo do something, please don't panic or send mail to the mailing list! As a last resort, ask webmaster@java.sun.com for help.

Mail Archives

Because of the load it imposes on our web server, Java mail archiving was discontinued on August 20. If we can get human and computational resources to maintain the archives they may be revitalized, but we have no current plans to do so. Searchable archives for traffic up to August 20 are still available.

Hypermail archives exist containing all the discussions on the external mailing lists:

You can search the archives by typing your keywords into the text field below and clicking on the "Search" button.

Search mail archives for:

The top level of the archives can be found at http://java.sun.com/archives/.

These archives are in addition to what can be retrieved via email. (Send 'help' to majordomo@java.sun.com for more info on retrieving old archives via email.)

The archives look bloated because of the little informational blurb we append to each message for the benefit of internal Sun subscribers. Although you will still see that message on individual postings, it will no longer show up in the archive or the digests. Now if we were really smart we would only append the blurb messages going out to addresses within Sun, but we're not that clever yet.

Many thanks to the folks at EIT for making Hypermail available. It is really cool and does its job well. You can find out more about Hypermail at http://wsk.eit.com/wsk/dist/doc/admin/hypermail/hypermail.html.

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Copyright © 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 2550 Garcia Ave., Mtn. View, CA 94043-1100 USA. All rights reserved. For Java technical support, see the newsgroup comp.lang.java or send mail to java@java.sun.com. For problems with this web site, send mail to webmaster@java.sun.com.