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[Home Page]

Welcome to LIFFE on the Internet

Advanced technology has played an important role in establishing the London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE) as Europe's premier financial derivatives exchange and one of the top three futures and options exchanges in the world. The LIFFE Web site maintains the Exchange's position at the cutting-edge of technology and continues LIFFE's drive to be the leading futures and options exchange in the world.

[Welcome to LIFFE]Welcome to LIFFE

Headline News

[News Item] LIFFE prepares for possible European Monetary Union (Tuesday 12 March 1996)

[News Item] LIFFE February volume breaks previous monthly record (4 March 1996)

[News Item] LIFFEbenefit nominates Starlight as charity of the year for 1996 (Thursday 4 January 1996)

[News Item] LIFFE takes key steps for 1996 (Wednesday 3 January 1996)

[News Item] CBOT® and LIFFE sign historic linkage agreement (Friday 15 December 1995)

[News Item] LIFFE and LCE to merge (Tuesday 14 November 1995)

[News Item] LIFFE to start trading Euroyen futures from early April 1996 (Monday 13 November 1995)

Further News can be seen in full on the News Page

Link to the LIFFE Glossary

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