hide random home http://www.links.net/ (PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)

to daze:

8 march, 1996

it's 6.30 am again
the sun is rising over daytona
I'm leaning,
I haven't finished yet a crazy night.


Picture of a guy with a wry grin to welcome you to

Welcome to Justin's Links from the Underground:
online since before!

the latest feechurs link lists life publish yo'self share the load welcome!

Links from the Underground is well visited (stats), and I receive many warm e-mails.


Thank You!

These pages and their contents Copyright 1994, 1995, 1996 Justin Hall. All rights reserved. Contact me with any questions you might think of, permissions you might want, or problems you may have.

Yer Mama Net Productions / Justin Hall / <justin@cyborgasmic.com>

state of the web slick, and reeking of personality:

c y b o r g a n i c