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Electronic Texts

Comic Strips made by Fredrik Öhlin.
The Seven Wired Wonders"flipp
The Hacker Crackdown
A fully htmlized version of the Hacker Crackdown by Bruce Sterling
An article about Internet by Bruce Sterling
Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet
The genesis of the Big Dummy's Guide was a few informal conversations, which included Mitch Kapor of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and Steve Cisler of Apple Computer, Inc. in June of 1991. With the support of Apple Computer, EFF hired a writer (Adam Gaffin) and actually took on the project in September of 1991.
The Hacker Dictionary
The Hacker Dictionary documents some of the lingo used by hackers. This version is indexed and crossreferenced, which makes it very easy to get lost in the world of obscure computer terms.
Flippade förbindelser
(Swedish) Artiklar från mötet flippade förbindelser i LysKOM. Innehållet är stundtals rätt skoj, men alltid urflippat.
The USENET Cookbook
Contains lots of different recipes gathered from internet "Chefs from the whole world.
A collection of particulary bad jokes that were left over during a particulary mean party circling a particulary miserable planet in a region of the Milkyway that until very resently had been quite happy.
The MIT Guide to Lockpicking
Tells you how locks work, how to pick them and how to make the tools to do it. Illustrated with nice figures.
Phrack was a major zine carrying information about everything you shouldn't know about telephone (in)sequrity and other issues. Was one of the targets for the Hacker Crackdown.
Amiga Documentation Archive
A still quite small collection of Amiga-related documentation. This includes a description of the Motorola 68000 CPU, which not only Amiga owners may find useful. Also check out the Amiga Jumpgate

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