Services and Prices

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Internet Literacy Consultants' mission is to help you understand and use the Internet and related technologies to accomplish your goals. "Networked communications" is the larger realm in which we operate.

We accomplish our mission through seminars and private consulting.

Our seminars range from basic " Internet 101" presentations to workshops on using the Internet in specific fields. We also give customized presentations for companies and groups.

Our consulting services take the form of support and planning for Internet access and presence. We will "get you on the Internet." This includes planning, design, training, and implementation for Internet activity, both within your organization and in the outside world.

Of course we can tell you which buttons to push and which hardware to buy. But more importantly, we help you develop an approach to using the Internet based on the values of interaction and participation.

Services and Price List:

Consulting Services:

Internet Literacy Consultants rates range from $45 - $150 per hour. We have a two hour minimum for on-site visits.

A list of many of our clients and projects is available.

If you would like to schedule an initial telephone consultation please call us at (415) 469-8271 or send e-mail to This is a free 10-15 phone conversation with one of our consultants to help you determine if we are a good fit for your needs.

Services include:

Public Seminars:

ILC produces a regular series of 3-4 hour Public Internet Seminars. Cost ranges from $50 - $200 per seminar, group discounts are available. Take a look at our current schedule.

Internet 101: Introduction and Overview for Beginners and the Curious.
This seminar covers 3 basic areas: Most of the class is a live demonstration of the things you can do on the Internet. This is a lecture/demonstration format class, not a hands-on class. All attendees receive a printed booklet with notes on the material covered, a glossary of Internet terms, etc.

Internet 101 is usually held on Weekday evenings from 6-8pm in San Francisco. The cost is $50.00. Please contact us to register or look here for our current schedule.

Internet 202: Searching the Internet.

Internet 202 is a hands-on how-to search the Internet Seminar. We will discuss and demonstrate different tools and techniques for searching the Internet. Join us and we'll teach you how to do a "good" search, how to find an e-mail address, how search engines work, and more! We assume that you know what the internet is and are familiar with the basic tools (WWW, telnet, e-mail, gopher, etc).

Our Searching the Internet seminars are held in San Francisco. The cost for this seminar is $200.00. Please give us a call to register or check here for a schedule of upcoming seminars.

Internet 303: A Hands-on Introduction to HTML Authoring.

Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is the code for authoring pages on the World Wide Web. This class will provide a comprehensive hands-on introduction to the basics of HTML. The class will introduce the client/server model of the WWW, look at URLs, cover the use of markup tags, creating links, evaluate what makes for good HTML style, and discuss the use of images, and the role of helper applications. As time permits we will look at the future of the WWW with special attention to VRML, and new standards for HTML specified in HTML 3.0.

The 303 seminars are held in San Francisco and the cost is $200.00. Space is limited so please call to register or look here for upcoming dates and times!

Specialized Seminars:
  • Internet for Activists
  • Internet for Journalists
  • Internet for Business
  • The State of Video on the Internet
These events are special events, that happen periodically throughout the year. Usually, these are introductory level (similar to Internet 101) with focus on the needs and questions of some specialized group. Cost and venue varies between events. Please take a look at our current seminar schedule and give us a call if you want to register for one of them.

Private Seminars:

ILC can produce a specialized, customized seminar or in-house training for your group. Base Price for a private seminar is $650.00 + customization, etc.

Base Seminar ($650):
2 hour introductory/how-to in-house training for up to 12 people in San Francisco using ILC equipment and handouts.

If you have more that 12 people attending the seminar, add $15 per each attendee over the first 12 people.

Customization of the seminar to meet specific requirements or requests will be billed at $75 - $150 per hour for time spent before the event. Customization will usually cost between $150 and $300.

Travel time to any place outside of San Francisco will be billed at $45.00 per hour.

Internet Literacy Consultants produces seminars as part of our goal to help build the infrastructure of a connected society. If the seminar you have in mind does not fit into the above schedule, please give us a call. ILC can do Internet seminars for users at all levels, and we are happy to provide you with a custom quote.

Getting On-line Access:

While your specific requirements may differ, here's what we believe is a reasonable path for your involvement in the Internet.

Under $100:
Attend one of our regular monthly seminars, get an account on an on-line system, and start actually using the Internet. This is by far the best and most important step in getting started.

$100 - $200
Arrange for a private demonstration and discussion of Mosaic, the World Wide Web, and Using the Internet to accomplish your goals. Another option would be for us to come to your home or office, install the software, and get you started using a SLIP/PPP account which allows you to use popular interfaces to the Internet like "Mosaic".

$200 - $500
Register your Company's Domain Name ($100)
Initial planning consultation around your goals and needs and how you might use the Internet. This could include a written report outlining your options.
Get a couple of people in your company on-line.
Have us do a short introductory training for 2-3 people.

$500 - $1500
Planning and development of an Internet action plan. Creation of a specific to-do and shopping list for your Internet connection and use.
In house training/seminar for groups of 6 - 40 people.
Basic system set-up, such as a World Wide Web server, USENET, etc.

$1500 - $5,000
Small scale development of content for an Internet Server.
Complete system set up, including hardware, software, etc.
Customized design of a Web server or similar Internet presence, including system architecture, graphic look and feel, and content/style guidelines.

$5,000 - $15,000 (and Up)
Extensive development of content for an Internet server.
Design and implementation of Internet connectivity for a large office or several offices.
Long term maintenance of an Internet site or service.

Internet Literacy Consultants can make it possible for your company to give staff/employees dial up (telecommuting) access to the office network for roughly $100 - $300 per user. We can also establish inter-office and in-house e-mail. Call for details.

For more information contact Internet Literacy Consultants via e-mail or telephone: +1.415.469.8271