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Department of Family Practice

Thomas L. Schwenk, MD, Chair

| Address | Telephone Numbers | Clinical Offices | Residency |Faculty and Staff | Dept Newsletter |

E-mail the Department for more information about the Residency Program, Educational and Research issues, and Administrative contact. Please note that this address is not intended as a source for clinical information, referrals, or patient care. For the best quality health care, we feel those issues are most appropriately addressed in person.

Department Office

1018 Fuller Rd., Campus 0708

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0708

Telephone Numbers

Office of the Chair (313) 998-7128

Department Administrator's Office (313) 998-7122

Educational Programs Office (313) 998-7138

Research Office (313) 998-7120

Fax (313) 998-7335

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About the Department

A note from the Chair of the Department of Family Practice

Welcome to the World Wide Web Home Page of the Department of Family Practice at the University of Michigan! I am excited to have this new way to tell you about our many accomplishments, and share our plans for our future growth. Most importantly, I am pleased you will be able to meet and learn more about (at least electronically) the outstanding people with whom I have the pleasure of working on a daily basis. This department is, above all else, an exciting, productive, supportive group of faculty, residents, and staff who share the principles of family medicine. We thrive on advancing these principles in our clinical, teaching, and research programs, and our success is due in large part to our commitment to these principles during times of great change in medical care. Certain features of high quality medical care are immutable, irrespective of the financial and regulatory schemes which come and go. Family medical care which is first-contact, comprehensive, compassionate, accountable, accessible, and affordable will never go out of style.

Please join me in my immense pride in this department by learning more about our clinical sites, research accomplishments, residency training program, new third year medical student clerkship, continuing medical education courses, and faculty members.

Thomas L. Schwenk, M.D. Professor and Chair

Patient Care Offices

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Residency Program

The University of Michigan Department of Family Practice is dedicated to providing the highest level of resident education. The residency program combines a community-based family practice setting with University-based specialty training. The combination of diverse experiences, structured lectures and discussions, vast resources for intellectual pursuits, and program flexibility create an exciting and enriching experience that is directed toward developing the finest family physicians while acknowledging each person's individual goals.

The residency program is a three-year program designed to incorporate medical principles from the disciplines of Medicine, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Surgery into the Family Practice model devoted to ambulatory and inpatient medicine, behavioral science, and family systems. The evidence-based approach to teaching and learning creates an environment in which a practicing physician learns the foundations of past and current ideas and techniques while developing the intellectual tools to critically evaluate and incorporate the new information that the future will bring.

The resources of the world renowned University of Michigan Medical Center, a large private Catholic teaching hospital in Ann Arbor, a more rural community hospital in neighboring Chelsea, and a more urban community hospital in nearby Ypsilanti create outstanding opportunities for the depth and breadth of training of the well-rounded family physician.

For more information about this program, please contact Blythe A. Bieber, 1018 Fuller, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109-0708.

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Department Faculty and Staff

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University of Michigan Medical Center

The University of Michigan

Family Practice Elsewhere

North American Primary Care Research Group

Medical University of South Carolina

University of Iowa

Duke University

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