Have you been looking for the smartest and easiest way to offer customers an evaluation of Windows NT Server along with the Microsoft BackOffice application family?
Microsoft is teaming up with our certified Solution Providers to offer our customers the Microsoft software, and in some cases hardware, for a 120 day structured BackOffice evaluation. Customers work with a Microsoft Solution Provider for initial consulting and installation support to assure a successful evaluation.
Microsoft Solution Server (MSS) is the ONLY evaluation program that provides customers with the Microsoft BackOffice (Microsoft Windows NT Server, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft SNA Server, Microsoft Systems Management Server and Microsoft Mail Server) pre-installed on a server (your equipment or evaluation equipment) with up to 50 evaluation client access licenses for each server product, plus 50 client evaluation licenses for Microsoft NT Workstation, Microsoft Windows95, Microsoft Office95 and Microsoft TechNet for 120 days! You also receive the Microsoft Solution Server Step-by-Step CD that provides an overall evaluation plan and step-by-step evaluation exercises for each component of BackOffice. Each customer is obligated to purchase at least 8 hours of consulting from a Microsoft Solution Provider to initiate the evaluation. At the end of the evaluation customers can purchase whichever Microsoft products they need through existing distribution channels at standard pricing. The Solution Server program is a limited time offer and is available exclusively through Microsoft Solution Providers.
Call 800-SOL-PROV and ask for a Solution Server sign-up kit.