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Microsoft Office for Windows 95

Pricing Information

Please Note: The prices listed here are valid only in the United States. Reseller prices will vary.

Microsoft Office for Windows 95 Special Pricing

Microsoft is offering a variety of pricing and rebates for it's Office for Windows 95 programs.

*Reseller prices may vary.

Summary of Pricing and Discounts for Microsoft Office 95

                     Pricing for    Upgrade Pricing    Upgrade Pricing     
                     First-Time                          for Existing             
                       Buyers                             Microsoft          

Office 95, Standard      $499            $249             $209                      

Office 95,               $599            $349             $309                      

Word 95,              $339 each      $109 each        Not applicable          
Microsoft Excel                                                                        
95, PowerPoint 95,                                                                     
Microsoft Access                                                                       

Schedule+ 95,           $99.95         $79.95**        Not applicable             
Microsoft Project 95    $469            $149              $79***                  

* After $40 mail-in rebate received   ** After $20 mail-in rebate received
*** After $70 mail-in rebate received (Only Project version 4.0 owners are eligible for this price)

Microsoft Select Volume Licensing Program

Microsoft customers also can take advantage of the pricing discounts mentioned above through Microsoft Select, the volume licensing program. Both the upgrade prices and the version upgrade rebates are factored into Microsoft Select pricing. In addition, Microsoft Select customers can take advantage of the Microsoft Office Technology Guarantee.

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