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Updated: March 12,1996 TechNet Logo Go To TechNet Home Page

Using Stripe Sets to Maximize Server Performance

  • Of all disk management strategies available for Microsoft® Windows NT™ Server, disk striping offers the best performance. With the Windows NT Server 3.5 or Windows NT Workstation operating systems, you can implement software disk striping at RAID level 0. Windows NT Server can also implement RAID level 5. In addition, Windows NT Server and Workstation can take advantage of hardware striping provided by disk array controllers. By combining the Windows NT operating system with the newest available hardware, you can deploy a high-performance, cost-effective installation.

    RAID level 0, disk striping, is optimized for performance only, while RAID level 5, disk striping with parity, offers a configuration that provides both high performance and fault tolerance using data redundancy. If you require optimum performance as well as data redundancy, it is recommended that you configure your stripe set for RAID level 5.

    When combining different complex technologies, such as Windows NT Server and disk array controllers, care must be taken to "tune" the technologies to take advantage of each other. Improper tuning can result in performance degradation. This document tells you how to configure these new servers and Windows NT Server for optimum performance.

    Before You Begin

    Before you begin, keep the following points in mind:

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    Compaq Smart SCSI Array Controller

    Compaq® provides two types of SCSI controllers in their server computers: the Smart SCSI Array Controller and the Embedded Fast SCSI-2 Controller. The Smart SCSI Array Controller can support various RAID levels without the use of software striping.

    Configuring RAID Level 0 or Level 5 in Hardware

    When using RAID level 0 or level 5 on the Smart SCSI Array Controller, configure the controller to report disk drive geometry in terms of 32 sectors/track:

    1. Before installing Windows NT, start the computer from the Compaq software support CD.
    2. Start the EISA Configuration Utility, and type CTRL-A at the first menu screen. A dialog box informs you that the utility is in "Advanced Mode," required for this procedure.
    3. Locate the section labeled "Smart SCSI Array Controller."
    4. Underneath this entry, you should see an item labeled "BIOS Hard Drive Geometry." If you do not see this entry, you are not in "Advanced Mode." Enable "Advanced Mode" (see step 2), or use software striping as described in the next section.
    5. Select "Always 64 Heads, 32 Sectors."
    6. Save and exit the EISA Configuration Utility.
    7. Install Windows NT Server.
    8. Use the Windows NT Disk Administrator (Windisk) to create a software stripe set. Select the first area of free space on the first disk, then press the CTRL key and click an additional area of free space on each of the other disks that will make up the stripe set.
    9. For RAID level 0: From the Partition menu, choose "Create Stripe Set."
      For RAID level 5: From the Fault Tolerance menu, choose "Create Stripe Set with Parity."
    10. Exit the Windows NT Disk Administrator. You will be asked to reboot your computer.
    11. After Windows NT has restarted, format your stripe set. It is now ready for use.

    Configuring RAID Level 0 or Level 5 in Software

    When using RAID level 0 or level 5 on Smart SCSI Array Controller, you need to configure your controller to report disk drive geometry in terms of 32 sectors/track. For software implemented disk striping, use the Windows NT Disk Administrator (Windisk) to obtain 32 sectors/track disk geometry:

    1. Make sure you have at least five disk drives connected to the Smart SCSI Array Controller. One disk will contain the system and the other four will comprise the stripe set.
    2. Use the Windows NT Disk Administrator (Windisk) to create a software stripe set. Select the first area of free space on the first disk, then press the CTRL key and click an additional area of free space on each of the other disks that will make up the stripe set.
    3. For RAID level 0: From the Partition menu, choose "Create Stripe Set."
      For RAID level 5: From the Fault Tolerance menu, choose "Create Stripe Set with Parity."
    4. Exit the Windows NT Disk Administrator. You will be asked to reboot your computer.
    5. After Windows NT has restarted, format your stripe set. It is now ready for use.

    Compaq Integrated 32-bit Fast SCSI-2 Controller

    In order achieve RAID 0 or RAID 5, the Embedded Fast SCSI-2 Controller requires the use of the software striping capabilities of Windows NT. To use Windows NT software striping capabilities with the Embedded Fast SCSI-2 Controller, follow the configuration instructions in this section.

    Configuring RAID Level 0 or Level 5 in Software

    When using RAID level 0 or level 5 on Integrated 32-bit Fast SCSI-2 Controller, you need to configure your controller to report disk drive geometry in terms of 32 sectors/track. For software implemented disk striping, use the Windows NT Disk Administrator (Windisk) to obtain 32 sectors/track disk geometry:

    1. Make sure you have at least five disk drives connected to the Integrated 32-bit Fast SCSI-2 Controller. One disk will contain the system and the other four will comprise the stripe set.
    2. Use the Windows NT Disk Administrator (Windisk) to create a software stripe set. Select the first area of free space on the first disk, then press the CTRL key and click an additional area of free space on each of the other disks that will make up the stripe set.
    3. For RAID level 0: From the Partition menu, choose "Create Stripe Set."
      For RAID level 5: From the Fault Tolerance menu, choose "Create Stripe Set with Parity."
    4. Exit the Windows NT Disk Administrator. You will be asked to reboot your system.
    5. After Windows NT has restarted, format your stripe set. It is now ready for use.

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    Dell DSA Controller

    Configuring RAID Level 0 or Level 5 in Hardware

    Configure your controller to report disk drive geometry in terms of 32 Sectors/Track using hardware RAID.

    1. Install the DELL® DSA Controller.
    2. Before installing Windows NT, start the server with the diskette labeled "DSA Software Support Diskette."
    3. From the main menu, choose "Specify Operating System." Choose "Windows NT 3.1."
    4. Select "Configure Composite Drives," "Create Composite Drive."
    5. For RAID level 0: From "Array Type," choose "RAID 0."
      For RAID level 5: From "Array Type," choose "RAID 5."
    6. Select the number of drives wanted, then choose "Create Drive."
    7. From the "Configure Composite Drives" menu, choose "Modify Configuration of Composite Drive."
    8. Underneath this entry, select the Composite Drive. Now you are able to modify the cache options and Block size for the Composite Drive.
    9. Select "Posted" for Write Strategy, "off" for Cache Strategy and Prefetch. Ensure that the "Block Size" is 32, leave everything else as default.
    10. From the "Configure Composite Drives" menu, choose "Modify Composite Drive Volumes."
    11. Select the Composite Drive and choose "Volume Geometry."
    12. Choose 64x32 from the New Geometry dialog.
    13. Exit the DSA Manager software.
    14. Install Windows NT.
    15. Use the Windows NT Disk Administrator to format the disk and create a disk partition.

    Configuring RAID Level 0 or Level 5 in Software

    Configure the controller to report disk drive geometry in terms of 32 Sectors/Track using software RAID.

    1. Install the DELL DSA Controller.
    2. Before installing Windows NT, start the server with the diskette labeled "DSA Software Support Diskette."
    3. From the main menu, choose Specify Operating System. Choose Windows NT 3.1.
    4. Select Configure Composite Drives, Create Composite Drive.
    5. From Array Type, choose Independent.
    6. For each drive to be configured, choose Create Drive and Composite Drive Label.
    7. From the Configure Composite Drives menu, choose Modify Configuration of Composite Drive.
    8. From the "Configure Composite Drives" menu, choose "Modify Composite Drive Volumes."
    9. Select each Composite Drive and choose Volume Geometry.
    10. Choose 64x32 from the New Geometry dialog.
    11. Exit the DSA Manager software, and install Windows NT Server.
    12. Use the Windows NT Disk Administrator (Windisk) to create a software stripe set. Select the first area of free space on the first disk, then press the CTRL key and click an additional area of free space on each of the other disks that will make up the stripe set.
    13. For RAID level 0: From the Partition menu, choose "Create Stripe Set."
      For RAID level 5: From the Fault Tolerance menu, choose "Create Stripe Set with Parity."
    14. Exit the Windows NT Disk Administrator. You will be asked to reboot your system.
    15. After Windows NT has restarted, format your stripe set. It is now ready for use.

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    MYLEX DAC960 Disk Array Controller

    Configuring RAID Level 0 or Level 5 in Hardware

    Configure your controller to report disk drive geometry in terms of 32 Sectors/Track using hardware RAID.

    1. Install the Mylex® DAC960 Disk Array Controller.
    2. Before installing Windows NT, start the server and run daccf.exe from the diskette provided with the Mylex DAC960. Confirm that the firmware is version 1.98 or later, and that the daccf utility version is 3.00.
    3. Choose "New Configuration," "Define Pack."
    4. For each drive to be included in your stripe set, choose "Create Pack" and press ENTER.
    5. Choose "Arrange Pack" and press ENTER.
    6. Choose "Define System Drive," "Create System Drive."
    7. Choose "RAID LEVEL 0" or "RAID LEVEL 5" and accept the default size (the entire capacity).
    8. Choose "Toggle Write Policy" and then choose "Write Back." Press ESC until prompted for "Save configuration." Choose "Yes."
    9. From the main menu, choose "9. Advanced Functions."
    10. Select Physical Parameters and set "Stripe Size" to 16K.
    11. Exit the Mylex Configuration Utility, and install Windows NT.

    Configuring RAID Level 0 or Level 5 in Software

    Configure your controller to report disk drive geometry in terms of 32 Sectors/Track using software RAID.

    1. Install the Mylex DAC960 Disk Array Controller.
    2. Before installing Windows NT, start the server and run daccf.exe from the diskette provided with the Mylex DAC960. Confirm that the firmware is version 1.98 or later, and that the daccf utility version is 3.00.
    3. Choose "New Configuration," "Define Pack."
    4. Select "Create Pack" and press ENTER when the first drive is selected. For each additional drive, press ESC, "Create Pack," ENTER, for each drive.
    5. Choose "Arrange Pack" and press ENTER. For each additional drive, press ESC, choose "Arrange Pack," and press ENTER.
    6. Choose "Define System Drive," "Create System Drive."
    7. Choose "RAID 7" and accept the default size (the entire capacity) for each drive.
    8. Choose "Toggle Write Policy" and then choose "Write Back." Press ESC until prompted for "Save configuration." Choose "Yes."
    9. Use the Windows NT Disk Administrator (Windisk) to create a software stripe set. Select the first area of free space on the first disk, then press the CTRL key and click an additional area of free space on each of the other disks that will make up the stripe set.
    10. For RAID level 0: From the Partition menu, choose "Create Stripe Set."
      For RAID level 5: From the Fault Tolerance menu, choose "Create Stripe Set with Parity."
    11. Exit the Windows NT Disk Administrator and reboot your system.
    12. After Windows NT has restarted, format your stripe set. It is now ready for use.

    DPT SmartCache III PM2122

    Configuring RAID Level 0 or Level 5 in Hardware

    1. Install the DPT® SmartCache® III PM2122 controller.
    2. Before installing Windows NT, start the server. From the MS-DOS® command line run dptmgr.com from the DPT SCSI Storage Manager Utilities diskette.
    3. Choose "Switch View" to see "Logical Configuration," and "Create Array Group."
    4. Select the RAID level desired (0 or 5), select "Optimize for Performance," and then in the Stripe Size section, select "Override," and choose "256 KB."
    5. Press the TAB key to move the cursor to the first drive. Select the drive by pressing the SPACEBAR. Then choose the Include button. Do this for each drive to be included in the stripe set.
    6. After all drives have been added, save the configuration, exit, and install Windows NT Server.

    Configuring RAID Level 0 or Level 5 in Software

    Since the DPT PM2122 controller is not a dedicated RAID controller, it is ready to configure for software striping.

    1. To ensure 64*32 drive geometry, disable the BIOS if possible.
    2. Attach the drives and install Windows NT Server.
    3. Use the Windows NT Disk Administrator (Windisk) to create a software stripe set. Select the first area of free space on the first disk, then press the CTRL key and click an additional area of free space on each of the other disks that will make up the stripe set. Make sure that the first disk that you select is the highest numbered disk. In the case of a five-disk setup, select "Disk 4," followed by "Disk 3," followed by "Disk 2," followed by "Disk 1." The order of selection is very important if the BIOS is enabled.
    4. For RAID level 0: From the Partition menu, choose "Create Stripe Set."
      For RAID level 5: From the Fault Tolerance menu, choose "Create Stripe Set with Parity."
    5. Exit the Windows NT Disk Administrator and reboot your system.
    6. After Windows NT has restarted, format your stripe set. It is now ready for use.

    The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication.

    This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT.
    Microsoft, MS-DOS, and the Windows logo are registered trademarks and Windows NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
    Compaq is a registered trademark of Compaq Computer Corporation.
    Dell is a registered trademark of Dell Computer Corporation.
    SmartCache and DPT are registered trademarks of Distributed Processing Technology.
    Mylex is a registered trademark of Mylex Limited.
    DAC960 software is copyrighted by Mylex Limited.

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