(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
Updated: January 24, 1996
CD article first appeared on: July 1995
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ABSTRACT: Information useful when planning, understanding,
performing and troubleshooting Windows 95 setup is presented in
sections organized to parallel the setup process (see the Introduction
below for section descriptions). Also included are facts and concepts
useful to system administrators, and appendixes on support options
and sources.
This guide provides technical information you may find helpful
when installing Windows 95:
Windows 95 Pre-Setup Checklist
- These are important questions to consider before proceeding
with Windows 95 Setup on an individual computer:
Is the Hardware Supported?
Check the Windows 95 README file and SETUP.TXT on the installation
disks for any notes related to your computer hardware.
If any computer component is not supported, Windows 95 selects
a generic driver or uses the driver installed on the computer.
If you install support manually for a hardware component that
doesn't appear in the installation dialog boxes, select the model
that your hardware can emulate or the one that is of the closest
type. (All supported hardware components are listed when you run
the Add New Hardware wizard.)
You can also determine if your hardware is supported by checking
the Windows 95 Hardware Compatibility List Help file or .RTF file.
The most recent Hardware Compatibility List is available on your
TechNet CD and through Microsoft electronic services. The file
names are HCL95.HLP and HCL95.RTF.
Do the Computer Components Meet Minimum Requirements?
This table describes the basic hardware requirements for running
Windows 95 from the hard disk of a local computer. Windows 95
is designed for single-processor computers that use Intel x86-based
processors and it cannot be installed on any other type of machine.
Component Windows 95 requirement
Computer 80386DX, 20 MHz (or higher) processor
Installing Windows 95 to run from a local hard
disk requires a high-density floppy disk drive and
hard disk drive.
Installing Windows 95 as a shared installation
does not require a hard disk or floppy disk drive.
You cannot install Windows 95 on a 80386 computer
that has a B-step processor (that is, with ID
0303). See Note below for more information.
Peripheral Mouse or equivalent pointing device
Memory 4 MB of RAM (minimum); 8 MB (recommended)
Video display VGA (minimum); Super VGA (recommended)
Disk space 20 MB of free hard-disk space is required for a
local installation. For information about
requirements for a shared installation, see
Chapter 4, "Server-Based Setup for Windows 95" in
the Resource Kit.
The full custom installation requires a minimum of
19 MB. A compact installation requires 10 MB of
disk space.
You need at least 14 MB of memory, which can be
divided between RAM and hard disk space. For
example, if your computer has 4 MB of RAM, you
need at least 10 MB of free disk space for a swap
file. If your computer has 16 MB of memory, you
will need very little disk space for a swap file.
Optional Modem (for The Microsoft Network and other uses)
CD-ROM drive
Network adapter (required for networking)
Sound card
Other multimedia hardware components
- Note Windows 95 cannot be loaded on a machine with
a B1 (stepping) chip, which is the designator for Intel 386 microprocessors
dated before April 1987. These chips introduce random math errors
when performing 32-bit operations, making them incompatible with
Windows 95.
- If your 386 chip was manufactured before April 1987 or has
a label on it that reads "For 16-bit operations only,"
contact your hardware manufacturer about a microprocessor upgrade.
Are All Unnecessary TSRs and Time-out Features Disabled?
Disable all TSRs and device drivers loaded in CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT
(or in any batch files called from AUTOEXEC.BAT), except those
required for partition or hard disk control, network drivers,
or any driver required for operation of a device such as video,
CD-ROM, and so on.
Disable all virus utilities, screen savers, disk scan utilities,
undelete utilities, UMB managers, disk caching, menu systems,
and the like. Also, you should replace third party memory managers
such as QEMM and 386MAX with HIMEM.SYS and EMM386.EXE before running
- Warning If you do not disable third party memory managers,
your system may be unstable after finishing setup or may have
trouble booting.
- Note Virus scan utilities can also be enabled through
CMOS. Contact your hardware manufacturer about disabling these
programs for setup.
- Some portable computers (such as the IBM ThinkPad®) automatically
suspend operations after a specified time-out interval, or when
the cover is closed. You should disable this feature while Windows
95 Setup is running.
Is the Installation Drive Checked and Defragmented?
Windows 95 Setup automatically runs ScanDisk to check the integrity
of the drive where Windows 95 is to be installed. However, you
may want to use your usual defragmentation software to check and
defragment the hard disk drive thoroughly before beginning Setup.
Also, be sure to defragment all compressed drives, because a highly
fragmented compressed drive reports more available disk space
than is available. If you use disk compression software other
than DriveSpace or DoubleSpace, be sure to run the disk-checking
utility provided with your compression software. For information,
see the documentation provided with the compression software.
- Tip When you run Windows 95 Setup, ScanDisk performs
a quick check of the hard disk. You an skip this quick check (for
example, if the computer uses disk compression software from another
vendor) by using the /iq or /is switch with the
setup command. If you choose to skip automatically running
ScanDisk, be sure to use another utility to check the integrity
of the hard disk before running Setup.
The /iq switch skips a cross-linked file check. The /is
switch skips the DOS Scandisk program.
- Are All Key System Files Backed Up?
Any time you upgrade an operating system, it is a good idea to
back up critical business or personal data, including these files:
- All initialization (.INI) files in the Windows directory
- All Registry data (.DAT) files in the Windows directory
- All password (.PWL) files in the Windows directory
- All Program Manager group (.GRP) files in the Windows directory
- All critical real-mode drivers specified in CONFIG.SYS and
- CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT in the root directory
- Proprietary network configuration files and login scripts
- All message (.mmf) files and personal data files (such as
documents and spreadsheets)
Does the Networking Software Work Correctly?
Make sure that the network software is running correctly before
you start Windows 95 Setup. Windows 95 uses the settings from
the existing network configuration to set up the new configuration.
Check the Windows 95 README file and the Microsoft Knowledge Base
for additional notes related to your networking software.
If an unused network card is installed on your machine, remove
Reorganize Program Manager Groups
All Program Manager Groups are relocated to the Programs section
of the Start Menu in Windows 95. Try to consolidate Program Manager
Groups as much as possible to make the Start Menu easier to use.
For instance, if you have icons for Microsoft TechNet, Microsoft
BookShelf, Microsoft Encarta, and Microsoft Developer Network
loaded on your machine, combine the icons into one Program Group
called "Information Sources." Reorganize your machine
to have about 10 Program Groups. That's about the right number
to keep the Start Menu easy to read.
You can also make adjustments to the Start Menu after you install
Windows 95 by changing the entries in the Windows\Start Menu directory.
Design and Test Installation Scripts
See the Windows 95 Resource Kit Deployment Planning Guide
and Installation section for information on designing and building
custom setup scripts. The Resource Kit utilities also contain
sample setup scripts. If you plan to use server based setup for
Windows 95, read Chapter 4 of the resource Kit: "Server-Based
Setup for Windows 95."
- Note Microsoft recommends removing all beta copies
of Windows 95 from the system.
- Check the Microsoft Knowledge Base
Be sure to check the Microsoft Windows 95 Knowledge Base to find
specific setup issues related to your hardware. You can accesss
the Knowledge Base from these sources:
- Microsoft TechNet CD-ROM
- Microsoft World Wide Web site:
- Microsoft Gopher site:
- Microsoft ftp site:
- CompuServe: GO Microsoft
- America OnLine: GOTO Microsoft
Things You Should Understand about Windows 95
There are several aspects of Windows 95 that a system administrator
should understand before beginning to set up Windows 95 on a large
scale. They are listed here along with resources to help you learn
more about them.
Add New Hardware Wizard
The Add New Hardware Wizard helps you manually install components
on a Windows 95 machine. You start the Hardware Wizard from the
Control Panel.
Figure 1 The Add New Hardware Wizard Screen
Top of Page
- Caution Device Manager and Registry Editor are provided
as configuration tools for the advanced user who understands configuration
parameters and the ramifications of changing settings.
- Certain circumstances might require users to change resource
settings after they have been configured. For example, Windows
95 might not be able to configure one device without creating
conflicts with another device. In such a case, a message usually
appears to explain what is happening and how to resolve the problem-turn
off a device to make room for the new device, disable the new
device, or reconfigure a legacy device to make room for the new
In most cases, use the Hardware Conflict Troubleshooter in Windows
95 Help. However, when you must manually change a device's configuration,
you use Device Manager by starting the System option in Control
Panel. Using Device Manager helps you avoid the errors that can
occur if you attempt to edit Registry entries directly.
Chapter 19: Devices, Windows 95 Resource Kit contains a
good overview of the Device Manager.
Figure 2 Windows 95 Device Manager Screen
Windows 95 Registry
- Caution Device Manager and Registry Editor are provided
as configuration tools for the advanced user who understands configuration
parameters and the ramifications of changing settings.
- The Windows 95 Registry provides a unified database for storing
system and application configuration data in hierarchical form.
Because the Registry contains all settings required to configure
memory, hardware peripherals, and Windows 95-supplied network
components, you may find that it is no longer necessary to configure
settings in startup configuration and initialization files. Also,
because settings are stored in a central location, you can provide
both local and remote support for system configuration using Windows
95 tools.
The Registry is roughly analogous to the INI files used under
Windows 3.x, with each key in the Registry similar to a bracketed
heading in an INI file and with Registry values similar to entries
under the INI headings.
For a better understanding of how the Windows 95 Registry works,
see the Windows 95 Resource Kit, chapters 10 ("Systems
Management") and 33 ("Windows 95 Registry").
Figure 3 Windows 95 Registry Editor
- Know how to use the Configuration Backup utility from the
Windows 95 Resource Kit.
- Read the Installation section of the Windows 95 Resource
Kit, Chapters 3 - 6.
- The new Accessibility features in Windows 95 are discussed
in Appendix I of the Windows 95 Resource Kit and in two articles
on the TechNet CD "Microsoft and Computer Accessibility for
Individual with Disabilities" and "Accessibility Products
for Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Windows NT."
The Windows 95 Resource Kit is available on the TechNet CD. You
can also order the kit from Microsoft Press (Order # 1-55615-678-2)
1-800-MSPRESS or order on-line on CompuServe: GO MSP.
See Also
Windows 95 Resource Kit Chapter 3: Introduction to Windows
95 Setup
Windows 95 Resource Kit Chapter 6: Setup Technical Discussion
Windows 95 and Novell NetWare Technical Detail on the TechNet
Windows 95 TrainCast program: call 1-800-597-3200 or e-mail
Top of Page
- Troubleshooting Windows 95 setup can be easier when you understand
the steps in the process. There are 11 and they are dealt with
in sequence below.
- Step 1 - Initializing Setup
Windows 95 prepares your computer for installation by performing
these functions:
1. If you run Setup from MS-DOS, Windows 95 searches the local
hard disk for a previous version of Windows 3.1 or later. If a
previous version is found, Setup recommends that you quit Setup
and then run Setup again from inside the existing Windows version.
2. Setup checks for the minimum system configuration.
3. Setup checks for an extended memory manager (such as HIMEM.SYS)
and a disk cache program (such as SMARTDRV.EXE). If either is
not found, Setup loads one.
4. Setup checks for the presence of "dirty" or "deadly"
terminate-and-stay-resident programs (TSRs) that are known to
cause problems with Windows 95 Setup. Use SETUP /IT to ignore
this TSR check.
5. If you run Setup from MS-DOS, Setup installs the necessary
components for mini-Windows. Setup stores these files in a temporary
directory it creates called WININST0.400.
6. Setup runs SCANDISK /ALL /NOTEXT to check the hard disk for
any problems. Use SETUP /IS to tell Setup to skip ScanDisk.
7. Setup starts the graphical user interface (GUI) and displays
the "Welcome to Setup" message. At this point, Setup
switches the processor into 386 enhanced mode and makes extended
memory available.
8. If Setup finds an OLD_DOS.X directory, it asks you if you want
to delete this information to free hard disk space.
- Step 2 - Preparation for Smart Recovery
If for any reason Setup does not finish and the computer needs
to be restarted, two lines in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file prompt you
to run Setup again and choose the Smart Recovery option:
@if exist c:\wininst0.400\suwarn.bat call c:\wininst0.400\suwarn.bat
@if exist c:\wininst0.400\suwarn.bat del c:\wininst0.400\suwarn.bat
- Step 3 - Reading the SETUPLOG.TXT File
Setup reads the SETUPLOG.TXT file to see if a previous Setup has
failed. If one has, Setup prompts you to run Smart Recovery or
to continue using the Full Install option.
If the SETUPLOG.TXT file is complete and you run Setup from the
same version of Windows, Setup provides a Verify option. Using
this option causes Setup to check the Windows 95 file sizes and
dates. If a file is damaged, Setup re-installs it.
- Step 4 - Gathering Information
Setup collects information from you (such as your name and the
directory in which to install Windows 95) and writes that information
to the SETUPLOG.TXT file for use when copying files.
- Step 5 - Hardware Detection
Hardware detection is the most intense portion of Setup. Windows
95 maintains a database of known legacy (that is, non-Plug-and-Play)
devices and the resources that they use. Setup polls all of these
resources (I/O ports, IRQs, DMA channels, memory addresses, and
so on) and looks for responses to determine what device is using
each resource. If Setup detects a Plug and Play device, it adds
that device's configuration information to the registry.
The difference between setup crashes that occur during hardware
configuration and those that occur during Plug and Play configuration
is important. More about the hardware detection process is explained
in the Hardware Detection Troubleshooting section below.
Setup creates the registry and puts the SYSTEM.NEW, USER.NEW,
and DETLOG.TXT files in the root directory of drive C. To help
speed the process of searching through the extensive .INF files,
Setup uses two indexing files, DRVIDX.BIN and DRVDATA.BIN, from
the temporary directory
- Step 6 - Windows Components
When you select the components to install (or accept the default
components), Setup writes them to the SETUPLOG.TXT file with the
other Setup information.
- Step 7 - Creating a Startup Disk
If you chose to create a Startup Disk, Setup copies these files
now. After the Startup Disk is created, Setup uses the SETUPX.DLL
file to create a list of files to copy based on the components
you chose earlier.
- Step 8 - Finishing Setup
After copying all the necessary files, Setup upgrades the existing
copy of Windows and replaces the existing MS-DOS version with
the Windows 95 operating system. When Setup reaches 100%, it writes
information to the hard disk's master boot record (MBR) and renames
the IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS files to IO.DOS and MSDOS.DOS. At this
point you are prompted to click the Finish button so that Setup
can restart your computer and complete the installation.
- Step 9 - Configuring Hardware
Setup updates the configuration files by running WININIT.EXE to
process the options in the WININIT.INI file. WININIT.INI tells
Setup to create the VMM32.VXD file and to rename the files that
were used by Setup initially but are no longer needed.
- Step 10 - Run-Once
Setup runs the Run-Once module. This module is specified in the
registry and installs certain device configurations and printers,
converts .GRP files to Windows 95 format, sets the time and date,
and sets up the Help system for Windows 95.
- Step 11 - Second Reboot
This step does not occur on all computers. Setup may restart your
computer a second time so that it can finalize the hardware settings.
This extra step lets Setup detect hardware that could not be detected
during the original hardware detection.
For example, if your computer contains a sound card with a built-in
SCSI controller, Setup detects the sound card and SCSI controller
during the initial hardware detection phase. Setup restarts your
computer a second time so that it can load the SCSI enumerator
and detect whatever is attached to the SCSI controller (such as
a CD-ROM drive).
Top of Page
- This table shows which installation options are available
for all operating systems that you can either upgrade Windows
95 over or dual boot with. Be sure to read the notes on upgrading
and dual booting following the table before you begin.
Operating System Upgrade to Windows 95? Dual Boot?
Windows 3.1 Yes Yes by installing to a
different directory
with MS-DOS 5.0 or
Windows for Yes Yes by installing to a
Workgroups different directory
with MS-DOS 5.0 or
Windows NT No Yes with MS-DOS
installed. Install
Windows 95 to a
different directory.
Windows 3.0 Yes - from MS-DOS Yes
MS-DOS 5.0 or later Yes - if Windows is on Yes
the machine it is
recommended to install
from there.
OS/2 Yes - from MS-DOS Yes
PC-DOS Yes Yes (with PC-DOS
versions 5.x or 6.x)
- Notes on Upgrading to Windows 95
- Chapter 6 "Setup Technical Discussion" in the Windows
95 Resource Kit lists the MS-DOS files deleted by Windows
95 setup
- When upgrading over OS/2 you must install Windows 95 in a
new directory
Dual Booting Windows 95
- In order to take advantage of the Windows 95 dual-boot capabilities,
the entry BootMulti=1 must be set in the Windows 95 MSDOS.SYS
file in the root directory. This pertains to dual booting with
Windows 3.x, MS-DOS and Windows NT. If you are installing the
new operating system to a different directory, dual booting is
turned on automatically.
- If you want to enable dual-boot after Windows 95 is installed,
follow the directions in the "Installing Windows 95 for Dual
Booting with Windows 3.x " section in Chapter 6 "Setup
Technical Discussion" in the Windows 95 Resource Kit.
- NTFS and HPFS partitions are not available locally from within
Windows 95
- Dual booting to a downlevel operating system (that is, MS-DOS
6.22) may cause long file name problems when certain commands
such as MOVE, COPY, REN, MD, RD, DEFRAG, and ScanDisk are used.
Further, almost any third party or shareware file maintenance
utility which uses the same APIs as the above commands will likely
cause long file name errors when the utility is used under the
down level operating system. Those included but not limited to
are: 4DOS, NDOS, Norton Desktop, Norton Utilities, PCTools PCShell,
PCTools Utilities, Windows File Manager, MS-DOS DOSSHELL, Xtree,
Xtree Gold, and Xtree Pro.
- Run the OS/2 Fdisk utility from the OS/2 boot disk to reactivate
the OS/2 Boot Manager.
- If you install Windows 95 to a non-boot hard drive, approximately
8 MB of space is required on the root of the host drive.
- Drivespace drives will be accessible under Windows 95. However,
if you're using MS DOS 5.x and you decide to compress your drive
in Windows 95 with Drivespace, you will not be able to dual boot.
- If you install Windows 95 to a different directory, applications
need to be reinstalled to update the WIN.INI, SYSTEM.INI, and
the Registry as well as reload application files into the Windows
95 WINDOWS/SYSTEM and WINDOWS directories.
- Setup HotKeys
These function keys available when booting may be useful in troubleshooting
boot-up problems and in switching between operating systems:
F4 Lets you go back to your previous operating system if
MultiBoot = 1 in MSDOS.SYS. Supported only in MS-DOS versions
F5 (Safe-Mode) bypasses loading the registry and processing the
CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT. Loads no network functionality
or protect mode drivers. Loads standard VGA.
Files loaded include HIMEM.SYS, IFSHLP.SYS and the Path from
MSDOS.SYS. COMMAND.COM is bypassed if Windows 95 files are
F6 Same as F5 + Networking functionality.
F8 Displays the Windows 95 StartUp menu and allows you to choose
the desired mode of Boot: Normal, Logged, Safe Mode, Step by
Step, Command Prompt only, or Safe Mode Command Prompt only.
Top of Page
- This section discusses potential fixes for the following setup
- Setup hangs
- Setup fails to complete
- Hardware detection troubleshooting
- Hardware is not detected correctly
- Enabling clean boot
- Post setup boot problems
- Post setup networking problems
- Setup Hangs
Difficulties during several aspects of the Setup process (discussed
below) can cause it to hang. Read the section "Understanding
the Process" (earlier in this document) to determine which
portion of setup is causing problems.
- If setup hangs while making a startup disk, either 1) remove
"device=symevnt.386" in the [386enh] section of SYSTEM.INI
and rerun Setup, or 2) run Setup without making a startup disk.
After Setup completes, immediately make one thorough Add/Remove
Programs in the Control Panel
- If Setup hangs during the "routine check on your system"
while it's running ScanDisk, try to find out why ScanDisk is hanging
by running a virus check and running ScanDisk at the MS-DOS level.
Try both these options before using the switch Setup /IS to disable
- If it seems like Setup is hanging, but there is still hard
drive activity, wait it out.
- If Setup hangs during reboot, look for lines in SYSTEM.INI
pointing to an old swapfile and comment them out.
- Setup Fails To Complete
If Setup fails to complete due to a system hang, power interruption
or other problem, turn off the machine, turn it back on, and restart
Setup. DO NOT delete any files from the disk before restarting
setup. When you restart Setup, it prompts you to use "Smart
Recovery" or "Run Full Setup". Select "Smart
Recovery" and continue the setup procedure. If you want to
recover the failed install, you must choose Smart Recovery in
order to enable the crash recovery feature. If you delete files
prior to restarting Setup, Windows 95 may lose information it
needs to avoid the problem during the next run. You may encounter
additional crashes even after starting Smart Recovery. Repeat
the procedure at least twice if necessary, as this will often
get past the problem and allow setup to continue.
- Hardware Detection Process Troubleshooting
- This section discusses the hardware detection process in more
The Windows 95 setup program writes a log of everything it does
during the detection process. If your computer is hanging during
detection, there should be an anomaly noted in the DETLOG.TXT
file. By examining this anomaly can help you determine which detection
module is crashing your system.
The setup program continues to append to the end of the DETLOG.TXT
file until it feels it has completed detection. Every time it
starts a new detection session, it starts with the string "[System
Detection]". By searching for the string "detection"
in your DETLOG.TXT file, you can count the number of times detection
has been started but crashed. A DETLOG.TXT with only one instance
of the string "Detection" has had one successful detection
run. A DETLOG.TXT with 3 "detection" strings has had
2 crashes and 1 successful install. If you've had several crashes
in a row, locating the string "detection" should also
be useful for the following reasons.
The last few lines directly above the "detection" string
contain the last detection module and operations performed on
the computer before it crashed. By examining a series of crashes,
you may be able to determine which module or memory region is
causing the problem. Here is an example:
¦QueryIOMem: Caller=DETECTSONYCD, rcQuery=0
¦ IO=320-323
¦[System Detection: 02/13/95 - 13:43:58]
For instance, if you had a DETLOG.TXT with 4 'Detection' strings
in it, each of which had a caller of 'DETECTSONYCD,' it might
be to your advantage to turn off Sony CD-ROM detection during
setup. (Sometimes it may not be clear which detection module you
should turn off from the caller name. In these circumstances,
continue to run setup, or call Microsoft Product Support Services.)
You can turn off a certain detection module by re-running setup.
Continue setup normally except for the following steps:
1. When setup displays the Setup Options screen (where you can
choose Typical, Portable, etc.), choose Custom to let Windows
know you want to do a custom installation.
2. When setup displays the Analyzing Your Computer screen, select
"No, I want to modify the hardware list."
3. Select the type of hardware you want to disable detection for,
and then the specific model or models that are causing the crash.
Note Make sure you have cleared the checkboxes for all
those models you do not want to detect. Also, make sure the check
mark is still in place for the Hardware Type you selected earlier;
if it is not, Setup will not check for ANY hardware of that type.
- Hardware is not Detected Correctly
If hardware was not detected correctly, try reinstalling the drivers
from disk.
If you experience multiple hardware conflicts, for instance if
setup hangs after reboot during hardware configuration, remove
physical non boot devices (sound cards, NICs or modems) and reinstall
one by one using the Add New Hardware wizard in the Control Panel.
PCMCIA devices. You must manually run the PCMCIA Wizard in Control
Panel to install protected-mode drivers for PCMCIA devices.
Monitors. If the monitor you are trying to install is not on the
hardware list, either use the generic drivers (these usually work
well) or use a driver for a closely related monitor and see if
that provides better functionality.
Many hardware specific issues are discussed in detail in the Knowledge
Base. If you are having problems getting Windows 95 to run your
hardware after following the suggestions above, search the Knowledge
Base for information on the specific hardware component.
- If All Else Fails, Clean Boot
When all else fails, try the following:
If no disk-compression software, disk partitioning software, or
other third-party driver is necessary to start your computer,
follow these steps to try a clean boot:
1. Rename the CONFIG.SYS file to CONFIG.XXX. To do so, type the
following line at a command prompt:
ren c:\config.sys c:\
2. Rename the AUTOEXEC.BAT file to AUTOEXEC.XXX. To do so, type
the following line at a command prompt:
ren c:\autoexec.bat c:\
3. Restart your computer and run Setup again.
However, if disk partitioning, disk compression, or other third-party
software is required to start your computer, the AUTOEXEC.BAT
and CONFIG.SYS files should appear as follows:
- For MS-DOS
<Third-party disk partitioner>
<Third-party disk compression driver>
<Other required third-party driver>
SHELL=C:\<dir>\COMMAND.COM /E:1024 /P
- For MS Windows
<Third-party disk partitioner>
<Third-party disk compression driver>
<Other third-party drivers>
SHELL=C:\<dir>\COMMAND.COM /E:1024 /P
SET TEMP=C:\<dir>
- Note These examples assume you are not running Setup
from a network. If you are running Setup from a network, please
consult your network administrator for instructions on using a
minimal boot.
- Disable all ROM shadowing: it can conflict with video cards,
disk controllers, and other peripherals.
- Remove any new hardware added. (Was new memory added before
the install?)
- Remove any hardware that is not required. (sound boards, network
card, CD-ROM, modems, scanners, etc.) Before removing your CD-ROM
drive, you may want to create a temporary directory and copy the
\win95 files from the Windows 95 CD-ROM into that directory. You
can then run the Windows 95 setup from the temporary directory.
- Run "SETUP/pa", to enable safe detection and during
the setup select "No, I want to specify hardware device to
detect." Check c:\detlog.txt for clues.
- Check for old BIOS on the computer. (Did Windows run reliably
on this machine before the setup?)
- Post Setup Boot Problems?
If your system is having difficulty booting after Windows 95 setup
is complete, or if you receive "strange" error messages,
check for the following:
- Is a third party memory managers in use? Revert to HIMEM.SYS
and EMM386.EXE.
- Try Safe-Mode boot (F5). If this works, then look at your
CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT for potential problems such as third
party virus software, TSRs, drivers, etc. The problem cold also
be the display driver, or a VxD file loading in the [386enh] section
of the SYSTEM.INI. Disable all potential sources of conflict and
try again. Another possible problem could occur from third party
drivers/programs loading on the LOAD= and/or RUN+ lines in the
WIN.INI and/or from the STARTUP group.
- If Safe-Mode boot doesn't work, run SCANDISK.EXE.
- "Starting Windows 95" Does not Appear
Try to boot up from the emergency floppy created during setup
or from a bootable Windows 95 floppy (same build). If not available
try a bootable DOS diskette.
From the Startup disk type "SYS C:" to copy IO.SYS,
MSDOS.SYS, DRVSPACE.BIN, and COMMAND.COM to drive C. (If the machine
fails to boot, check for a virus, anti-virus software or a CMOS
setting that may prevent Windows 95 from updating the boot sector.)
If unable to boot at all, check your CMOS settings or contact
your hardware manufacturer.
- Note It is also possible to experience an IRQ conflict
at this level.
Post Setup Network Problems?
- Tip Add Network functionality to a Windows 95 machine
after setup by selecting Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel.
- If the Microsoft Client for NetWare Networks is not working
properly, try setting up the Windows 95 client over the real-mode
IPX/ODI and VLM client while they are attached to the Novell server.
Some varieties of real mode TCP/IP can hang Windows 95 during
the boot process. Try the Microsoft protected mode version of
the TCP/IP protocol that ships with Windows 95.
Top of Page
- Windows 95 ships with an uninstall utility which returns the
Windows 95 machine to its previous configuration. Directions for
using the utility follow.
During Setup, you have the option of saving your system files
so that you can uninstall Windows 95 later. If you choose Yes,
Setup saves your system files in a hidden, compressed file. If
you choose No, you won't be able to uninstall Windows 95 and return
to your previous configuration.
The Setup option does not show up if:
- You are upgrading over Windows 95
- You are installing to a new directory
- You aren't running MS-DOS 5.0 or 6.x
A few notes:
- You cannot store the uninstall files on a network drive or
a floppy disk.
- If you have multiple local drives, you can select the one
on which to save the uninstall information.
To uninstall Windows 95 and completely restore your system to
its previous versions of MS-DOS and Windows 3.x:
1. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and then select
Control Panel.
2. Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
3. On the Install/Uninstall tab, click Windows 95, and then click
Remove. Or, if you are having problems starting Windows 95, use
your startup disk to start your computer, and then run UNINSTALL
from the startup disk.
- Note The uninstall program needs to shut down Windows
95. If there is a problem, restart your computer, press F8 when
you see the message "Starting Windows 95," then choose
Command Prompt Only and run UNINSTALL from the command prompt.
- If Windows 95 is running and you want to remove the uninstall
files to free up disk space (6 - 9 MB), follow these steps:
1. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and then select
Control Panel.
2. Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
3. On the Install/Uninstall tab, click Old Windows 3.x/MS-DOS
System Files, and then click Remove.
You will no longer be able to uninstall Windows 95.
Top of Page
- The following Knowledge Base articles deal with Windows 95
Q117509 Windows
95 Setup Err Msg: The Path Is Invalid
Q118344 Setup
Incorrectly Detects Multiple Floppy Drive Controllers
Q119118 Windows
95 Fails to Install on an 80386 Computer
Q119432 Windows
95 Setup Disables OS/2 Boot Manager
Q121294 Windows
95 Err Msg w/a DISTEC Drive: Missing Operating System
Q123096 Windows
95 Err Msg: Setup Error G1. Windows Setup Cannot...
Q126350 Windows
95 Setup Modifies the Boot Sector of All Drives
Q126671 Windows
95 Overwrites Linux Boot Manager
Q127062 Mouse
Hangs After Windows 95 Hardware Detection
Q127806 Setup
Remarks Out Lines in AUTOEXEC.BAT File
Q128030 Setup
Error Message: Generic Install Error
Q128400 Windows
95 Setup Switches
Q128615 Detection
Process Stops at 80 Percent Complete During Setup
Q128730 Error
Message "Invalid System Disk" After Setup Reboots
Q129081 Setup
Does Not Prompt to Create Emergency Startup Disk
Q129260 Windows
95 Setup: Description and Troubleshooting Steps
Q129261 Cannot
Install Windows 95 on Acer Portable Computer
Q129716 Setup
Warning on Computers Using XtraDrive Is Misleading
Top of Page
- This appendix contains an overview of programs and tools useful
in the migration, installation, and ongoing support of Microsoft
Windows 95 Operating System.
Where to Go
For the most up-to-date Windows 95 information (the Microsoft
Knowledge Base, Microsoft Software Library, white papers, and
other information) contact:
- World Wide Web (Mosaic) site: located at
- Internet FTP site: located at
(for Windows 95 product info)
- CompuServe: GO Microsoft
- Prodigy : JUMP WINNEWS
- America Online: use Keywords "WINNEWS"
- Genie: download files from the WinNews area under the
Windows RTC.
- Microsoft WINNEWS: to subscribe to the Microsoft weekly Windows
95 Update List, send mail to: As the
only text in your message write "Subscribe WINNEWS"
- Microsoft FastTips: answers to frequently asked questions,
updated weekly; available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Call
(800) 936-4200.
Support Options
Microsoft offers 90-day, no-charge telephone support for Windows
95 (standard issues), fee-based Priority Support (networking issues),
as well as comprehensive electronic information service offerings
as outlined below. In addition, Microsoft offers a range of support
services including annual support contracts, per incident and
per minute support options. Call (800) 936-3500 for additional
- Windows 95 Retail Standard Support (206) 635-7000
90-day, no-charge support, Monday - Friday, 6 AM - 6 PM, PT, excluding
holidays. Operational upon product launch.
- Desktop and Personal Operating Systems Priority Support
Includes priority access to product support queues on all desktop
applications and personal operating systems products including
Windows 95. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, excluding
holidays. Operational upon product launch.
- $1.95/minute for desktop products ($25 maximum charge per
incident): (900) 555-2000
- $1.95/minute for personal operating systems ($35 maximum charge
per incident): (900) 555-2000
- $25/incident for desktop products (on major credit cards):
(800) 936-5700
- $35/incident for personal operating systems (on major credit
cards): (800) 936-5700
- $395/year, including 35 support incidents: (800) 936-5700
- Windows 95 Networking Support
Includes priority access to product support queues on networking
issues defined as server-based setup, network administration,
dialing into a computer, or connecting to the Internet through
a service provider, and using e-mail or fax from within Windows
95. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, excluding holidays.
Operational upon product launch.
Networking issues are defined as setup, configuration, or usage
of Windows 95 in a networked environment. This includes, but is
not restricted to the following: setting up a computer to be used
in a networked environment, network administration, dialing in
to a computer, connecting to the Internet via a service provider,
and using e-mail or fax from within Windows 95.
- $1.95/minute ($35 maximum charge per incident): (900) 555-2000
- $35/incident (on major credit cards): (800) 936-5700
- $395/year, including 35 support incidents: (800) 936-5700
Information Services
All Microsoft customers have 24 hours a day, seven days a week
access to Microsoft's wide range of no-cost and low-cost information
services, including:
- The Internet and CompuServe (explained above).
- Microsoft FastTips. Toll-free, 24 hours a day, seven
days a week access to automated information. Access technical
articles and common questions and answers through voice, fax and
US Mail. To access FastTips for Personal Operating System products:
(800) 936-4200
- Microsoft Download Service (MSDL). Access to the Microsoft
Electronic Technical Library, containing sample programs, device
drivers, patches, software updates and programming aids.
Direct modem access to the MSDL is available by using the Microsoft
Terminal, or another modem dial-in application, and dialing (206)
936-6735. The MSDL is available 7 days a week, 24 hours per day,
including holidays. Connect information: 1200, 2400, or 9600 baud,
no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop.
- Windows 95 TrainCast A series of eight free, 4-hour
satellite down-link training sessions, are scheduled to be broadcast
through August 1995. Sessions will be repeated and are estimated
to reach over 100,000 support professionals, including live Q
& A sessions. Host sites include Authorized Technical Education
Centers as well as numerous resellers, corporate sites and college
campuses throughout North America. For a bi-monthly programming
guide, information on viewing sites or to purchase video tapes
of these sessions call (800) 597-3200 or e-mail (
Session Topic Date
1 Windows 95 for the IS and Network Professional available on
2 Reducing Support Costs with Windows 95 available on
3 Setup, Installation and User Interface support available on
issues video
4 Networking with Windows 95, including printing available on
5 Windows 95 and NetWare available on
5 Windows 95 and NetWare (replay) 5/23/95
6 Remote Administration (live Q & A) 6/13/95
6 Remote Administration (replay) 6/27/95
7 Windows 95 Systems Administration & Tools 7/11/95
(live Q & A)
7 Windows 95 Systems Administration & Tools 7/25/95
8 New information from the Windows 95 beta 8/15/95
program (live Q & A)
8 New information from the Windows 95 beta 8/29/95
program (replay)
- Schedule subject to change without notice.
- Microsoft TechNet CD, Technical Information Network:
Microsoft TechNet brings you two monthly, up-to-date CDs containing
over 100,000 pages of detailed technical information (including
the Microsoft Knowledge Base, Software Library and Resource Kits)
and the newest drivers and patches. TechNet provides accessible,
in-depth information about user support, network management, database
administration, system implementation and technology directions
and product evaluations. Annual subscriptions are $299 for a single
user license, or $699 for a single-server, unlimited user license.
Call (800)-344-2121 for more information.
- Windows 95 Resource Kit: Microsoft Resource Kits are
designed for the computing and support/helpdesk professional who
installs and manages Microsoft products. The Windows 95 Resource
Kit includes (in three volumes) over 1,500 pages of essential
technical information for the MIS manager or network administrator.
It also includes a deployment guide, several utilities and software
- Microsoft Developer Network: Level 1 provides technical
information for the developer-the Development Library, the Developer
Network News, and a dedicated CompuServe forum. Level 2 incorporates
all the Level 1 benefits plus the Development Platform, a set
of CDs with all the Microsoft operating systems and related SDKs
and DDKs. To subscribe call (800) 759-5474.
- Microsoft Authorized Technical Education Centers: available
for Windows 95 training, options range from regularly scheduled
classes to customized training delivery at your site. Call (800)-426-9400
for more information.
- Third Party Support Channel: A wide array of third
party options include the Microsoft Windows 95 Launch Support
Team, Microsoft Authorized Support Centers, and Microsoft Solution
Providers. Call (800)-936-3500 for more information.
Microsoft Press: Microsoft Press offers several publications
in addition to the Windows 95 Resource Kit including; Introducing
Microsoft Windows 95 ($12.95), Inside Windows 95,
by Adrian King ($24.95), Hardware Design for Microsoft
Windows 95 ($24.95), and Advanced Windows ($44.95).
Call 1-800-677-7377 to order or request a catalog.
This paper originally appeared on the TechNet CD. For more information
on TechNet call 1-800-344-1212 dept. 3131 or contact your local
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