hide random home http://www.microsoft.com/TechNet/ps/win95/setup.htm (PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)

Updated: January 24, 1996
CD article first appeared on: July 1995

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Comprehensive Guide to Troubleshooting Setup in Windows 95

ABSTRACT: Information useful when planning, understanding, performing and troubleshooting Windows 95 setup is presented in sections organized to parallel the setup process (see the Introduction below for section descriptions). Also included are facts and concepts useful to system administrators, and appendixes on support options and sources.


This guide provides technical information you may find helpful when installing Windows 95:

Preparing Computers (and Yourself) for Windows 95 Setup

Windows 95 Pre-Setup Checklist

Component          Windows 95 requirement                    
Computer           80386DX, 20 MHz (or higher) processor               
                   Installing Windows 95 to run from a local hard      
                   disk requires a high-density floppy disk drive and  
                   hard disk drive.                                    
                   Installing Windows 95 as a shared installation      
                   does not require a hard disk or floppy disk drive.  
                   You cannot install Windows 95 on a 80386 computer   
                   that has a B-step processor (that is, with ID       
                   0303).  See Note below for more information.        
Peripheral         Mouse or equivalent pointing device                 
Memory             4 MB of RAM (minimum); 8 MB (recommended)           
Video display      VGA (minimum); Super VGA (recommended)              
Disk space         20 MB of free hard-disk space is required for a     
                   local installation. For information about           
                   requirements for a shared installation, see         
                   Chapter 4, "Server-Based Setup for Windows 95" in   
                   the Resource Kit.                                   
                   The full custom installation requires a minimum of  
                   19 MB. A compact installation requires 10 MB of     
                   disk space.                                         
                   You need at least 14 MB of memory, which can be     
                   divided between RAM and hard disk space.  For       
                   example, if your computer has 4 MB of RAM, you      
                   need at least 10 MB of free disk space for a swap   
                   file. If your computer has 16 MB of memory, you     
                   will need very little disk space for a swap file.   
Optional           Modem (for The Microsoft Network and other uses)    
                   CD-ROM drive                                        
                   Network adapter (required for networking)           
                   Sound card                                          
                   Other multimedia hardware components                

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Add New Hardware Wizard Device Manager

Windows 95 Registry

Other Suggestions

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Understanding the Windows 95 Setup Process

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Installing Windows 95 with Other Operating Systems

Operating System      Upgrade to Windows 95?   Dual Boot?            
Windows 3.1           Yes                      Yes by installing to a   
                                               different directory      
                                               with MS-DOS 5.0 or       
Windows for           Yes                      Yes by installing to a   
Workgroups                                     different directory      
                                               with MS-DOS 5.0 or       
Windows NT            No                       Yes with MS-DOS          
                                               installed.  Install      
                                               Windows 95 to a          
                                               different directory.     
Windows 3.0           Yes - from MS-DOS        Yes                      
MS-DOS 5.0 or later   Yes - if Windows is on   Yes                      
                      the machine it is                                 
                      recommended to install                            
                      from there.                                       

DR DOS                Yes                      No                       
OS/2                  Yes - from MS-DOS        Yes                      
PC-DOS                Yes                      Yes (with PC-DOS         
                                               versions 5.x or 6.x)     

F4     Lets you go back to your previous operating system if           
       MultiBoot = 1 in MSDOS.SYS.  Supported only in MS-DOS versions  
F5     (Safe-Mode) bypasses loading the registry and processing the    
       CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT.  Loads no network functionality    
       or protect mode drivers.  Loads standard VGA.                   
       Files loaded include HIMEM.SYS, IFSHLP.SYS and the Path from    
       MSDOS.SYS.  COMMAND.COM is bypassed if Windows 95 files are     
F6     Same as F5 + Networking functionality.                          
F8     Displays the Windows 95 StartUp menu and allows you to choose   
       the desired mode of Boot: Normal, Logged, Safe Mode, Step by    
       Step, Command Prompt only, or Safe Mode Command Prompt only.    

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Troubleshooting Setup-Specific Issues

Post Setup Network Problems?

Some varieties of real mode TCP/IP can hang Windows 95 during the boot process. Try the Microsoft protected mode version of the TCP/IP protocol that ships with Windows 95.

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Uninstall Windows 95

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Appendix A: Helpful Knowledge Base Articles

Q117509 Windows 95 Setup Err Msg: The Path Is Invalid

Q118344 Setup Incorrectly Detects Multiple Floppy Drive Controllers

Q119118 Windows 95 Fails to Install on an 80386 Computer

Q119432 Windows 95 Setup Disables OS/2 Boot Manager

Q121294 Windows 95 Err Msg w/a DISTEC Drive: Missing Operating System

Q123096 Windows 95 Err Msg: Setup Error G1. Windows Setup Cannot...

Q126350 Windows 95 Setup Modifies the Boot Sector of All Drives

Q126671 Windows 95 Overwrites Linux Boot Manager

Q127062 Mouse Hangs After Windows 95 Hardware Detection

Q127806 Setup Remarks Out Lines in AUTOEXEC.BAT File

Q128030 Setup Error Message: Generic Install Error

Q128400 Windows 95 Setup Switches

Q128615 Detection Process Stops at 80 Percent Complete During Setup

Q128730 Error Message "Invalid System Disk" After Setup Reboots

Q129081 Setup Does Not Prompt to Create Emergency Startup Disk

Q129260 Windows 95 Setup: Description and Troubleshooting Steps

Q129261 Cannot Install Windows 95 on Acer Portable Computer

Q129716 Setup Warning on Computers Using XtraDrive Is Misleading
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Appendix B: Microsoft Product Support Services for Windows 95 Information

Session               Topic                            Date        
1      Windows 95 for the IS and Network Professional  available on     
2      Reducing Support Costs with Windows 95          available on     
3      Setup, Installation and User Interface support  available on     
       issues                                          video            
4      Networking with Windows 95, including printing  available on     
5      Windows 95 and NetWare                          available on     
5      Windows 95 and NetWare (replay)                 5/23/95          
6      Remote Administration (live Q & A)              6/13/95          
6      Remote Administration (replay)                  6/27/95          
7      Windows 95 Systems Administration & Tools       7/11/95          
       (live Q & A)                                                     
7      Windows 95 Systems Administration & Tools       7/25/95          
8      New information from the Windows 95 beta        8/15/95          
       program (live Q & A)                                             
8      New information from the Windows 95 beta        8/29/95          
       program (replay)                                                 

Microsoft Press: Microsoft Press offers several publications in addition to the Windows 95 Resource Kit including; Introducing Microsoft Windows 95 ($12.95), Inside Windows 95, by Adrian King ($24.95), Hardware Design for Microsoft Windows 95 ($24.95), and Advanced Windows ($44.95). Call 1-800-677-7377 to order or request a catalog.
This paper originally appeared on the TechNet CD. For more information on TechNet call 1-800-344-1212 dept. 3131 or contact your local reseller.
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