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Updated: March 12, 1996TechNet Logo Go To TechNet Home Page

What's History on the March 1996 CD

Every month we remove articles from TechNet because the information is old and disc space is at a premium. You are encouraged to keep your TechNet CDs from previous months in case anything you need has been deleted from this month's CD. Expired information and information that is over two years old is removed as a general rule.

Here is the list of deleted content for the March 1996 TechNet CD. These articles are available from the February 1996 CD:

Deleted Content

MS BackOffice and Enterprise Systems

MS SNA Server: The Choice for Connecting Windows 95 Desktops to IBM Hosts

Microsoft Mail Resource Guide

MS Exchange Server 4.0 Reviewer's Guide

Planning, Analysis and Implementation

Microsoft Solutions Framework Program

Microsoft TechNet
March 1996
Volume 4, Issue 3

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