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Updated: March 12, 1996TechNet Logo Go To TechNet Home Page

What's New for March 1996

Content Highlights

The red bullet graphicin the Contents window indicates new material.

TechNet News


Once again, four features: "Understanding AppleTalk Seed Routing," condenses existing documentation on this topic; an article on corporate intranets discusses their growing popularity and the newest authoring tools; an article on some strategies for dealing with data on multiple CDs; and the fourth in our small business networking series--Troubleshooting.

MS BackOffice and Enterprise Systems


MS Exchange is on the way, and we offer the revised Reviewer's Guide and the PSS Worldwide Training material for the Exchange Server course. Also of interest: MS SNA Server 2.11 Service Pack 1, and MS SQL Server 6.0 Service Pack 1.

MS Office and Desktop Applications


Two new papers this month fill you in on key concepts needed to convert WordPerfect 5.1 macros to Word 6.0 for Windows and Word 7.0 for Windows 95. These are available only on TechNet.

Database and Development Tools


A white paper on MS Visual SourceSafe discusses its uses as a document control system in companies seeking registration to one of the ISO9000 series of quality control standards. "Managing Source Code by Project" shows how Visual SourceSafe easily solves problems that are difficult in standard, file-oriented source control systems. And take a look at the five new white papers on MS Visual Basic 4.0: "Creating OLE Servers with Visual Basic 4.0", "Visual Basic 4.0 High Performance Remote Data Access", "Wrapping Legacy Code with Visual Basic 4.0", "MS Visual Basic 4.0 Enterprise Computing Strategy", and "Optimizing MS Visual Basic 4.0."

Microsoft TechNet
March 1996
Volume 4, Issue 3

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