The New England Regional Office offers customers a wide variety of services and programs in the area of New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Connecticut (with the exception of Fairfield County). These screens will provide you with a wealth of assistance, ideas and opportunities to learn about Microsoft products.
General Information includes local directions and contact information.
Seminars and Events offers up to date schedules and materials for local events.
Partners and Services highlights a wide variety of services and support available.
Microsoft Explorer 96 provides a brief overview of the 1996 conference in Boston.
Corporate Solutions Briefing gives you the necessary information to understand why, how and when you can leverage and integrate Microsoft technology within your organization to gain a Business Advantage.
Microsoft Case Studies demonstrate how other companies have solved their business problems using Microsoft Products.
NT Workstation 4.0 User Group Tour has kicked off an 18 city US and Canadian Windows NT 4.0 Tour. Find out when and where the next tour stop will be taking place and who to contact to be a part of it.