Great seminars and conferences targeted to your development needs. Click the titles below for detailed agendas, registration and accommodation information, conference exhibitors, and lots more. These listings will grow rapidly and change regularly, so check back soon.
Microsoft Professional Developers Conference
March 12 - 14, 1996
Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, California
Get connected! Come to this three-day technical conference and get the tools and information you need to extend your applications to the Internet.
Tech*Ed 96
April 15 - 19, 1996
Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, California
Tech*Ed 96 is a five-day conference for technical information on developing BackOffice, Office, and Windows-based solutions. Tech*Ed 96 targets business decision makers of technology, corporate developers, technology planners, and system architects/integrators. Tech*Ed 96 delivers education on all Microsoft technologies and products, including information on business solutions for the Internet. More than 150 sessions will be offered throughout the five days.
Software Development '96
March 25 - 29, 1996
Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, California
Come see Bob Muglia, Vice President of Microsoft's Developer Division, present Microsoft's vision
of the Internet Development Environment during the keynote address at Software Development '96.
Software Development '96 is the largest conference and exhibition for development
professionals, with more than 200 seminars and 250 exhibitors covering tools and
services in the languages, client/server, database, CASE, and Internet areas.
Developer Days
June 5, 1996
Be the first to hear ground-breaking news from Microsoft.
Attend the next Developer Days in a city near you! Learn about the latest technological and strategic advancements from Microsoft regarding Visual Tools, OLE and the Internet.
Microsoft at the Movies
The lastest developer information, at low cost, in a fun place!
That's Microsoft at the Movies. We've solved a lot of problems for you
comfortable seats, big screen, great quality picture, distraction-free
environment, no travel and little expense. Your takeaways are LIVE information from Microsoft developers, the latest software on CD, pointers to follow-up information, and, of course, FREE popcorn and soda!