hide random home http://www.microsoft.com/jobs/campus/aboutms.htm (PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)

About Microsoft

Here you'll find helpful background information about us. Use the links below to find what you're after:

Corporate Profile

Here you'll find a company history and fast facts about Microsoft.


There are a lot of exciting things happening in product development at Microsoft. Find out about the current and future of our software development program right here.

Diversity at Microsoft

We're committed to a diverse work environment, and this site has great information about the different diversity efforts at Microsoft.

MS Benefits

Care to know more about all of the great perks we provide our employees? Take a look here and learn about the things that add so much to work life at MS.

MS Tidbits

Here are a few factoids you didn't know about Microsoft.

Microsoft Campus Map

So you can find your way around when you come visit us.

MS Timeline

This is a cool graph of the important steps that Microsoft has taken on its way to being the worldwide leader of software systems and applications.


In our efforts to encourage people of color and women to pursue careers in Computer Science and other related technical fields, we have established two new scholarship programs: the Microsoft National Minority Technical Scholarship and the Microsoft National Female Technical Scholarship. This link will tell you more about what we have to offer!

Worldwide Office List

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