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What is a User Group?
A computer user group can take almost any form, from an informal group of ten individuals meeting over a laptop and take-out food to a nonprofit corporation with a membership the size of a small town, a board of directors, and a telephone directory-sized newsletter. User groups can serve whole communities, educational institutions, corporations, professions, or associations. They can center around a single software program or an operating platform. They can be exclusive to in-house information system managers or more general to, for example, home users who want to have more fun with their computers. Or, they can be so large as to encompass all of these things at once.

Whatever their size or form, user groups share in common the commitment to providing a platform for sharing experience, insight, and knowledge about computing, for the personal and professional enrichment of its members.

Return to the Microsoft User Group Home Page to search for a user group in your area.

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