hide random home http://www.microsoft.com/mshome/furyoffer/winner.htm (PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)

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Our Most Furious Pilots

Terran Flight Operations has selected Mike Mahoney and co-pilot Michelle as our most Fury-ous pilots and have awarded the Meritorious Combat Medal for the most destruction against the Bions. We have take a screen shot of their most destructive moment from 5 finalists and you told us who would get bragging rights and claim to be Top-Viper.

picture of the winners Screen Shot

They've blasted into fierce intergalactic combat against the vicious Bions and showed us just how destructive they could be. They've fought in the clouds, on the ground and in netherworld tunnels to obliterate the enemy.

Although it is too late to be considered for most destructive pilot, it's not too late to join the corps. Strap yourself in and enjoy a virtual head, 6 degrees of free visibility, a servo laser, a satellite map and an energy field. Check out this and more by downloading the Fury³ Trial Version.

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