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Internet Assistant
for Microsoft® Word for the Macintosh®


At Macworld in January, Microsoft previewed Internet Assistant for Microsoft Word for Macintosh. Internet Assistant is a free add-on to Microsoft Word 6.0.1 that allows users to create HTML documents using Word. Internet Assistant will be released by March 31, 1996, and will be available at no charge on the Microsoft Mac Office web page.

What is Internet Assistant?

Internet Assistant for Microsoft Word for the Macintosh is a no-charge add-on that allows users to create and edit documents for both an Intranet and the Internet from within Microsoft Word. Internet Assistant is a full-featured Internet authoring tool that automatically converts Word files to HTML and provides users with an interface for inserting hyperlinks, images, and forms in their documents. The final results are richly formatted documents without having to understand the complexities of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), the standard authoring language for documents on the web.

How does it work?

Internet Assistant for Microsoft Word includes the following features:

Full support of HTML tags commonly used today.
Internet Assistant will support authoring of commonly used HTML 2.0 extensions such as tables, font size, image height and width, centering, background picture and background color. Internet Assistant supports Internet Explorer's new HTML tags such as marquee text, watermarks, In-Line video, super and subscript, and background sounds.

Easy to Use Hyperlink and Forms interface.
It's easy to create hyperlinks and Internet forms with Internet Assistant's interface. Users may create hyperlinks between HTML documents and other Microsoft Office documents on either the Internet or an Intranet. Users can also insert hyperlinks in Word documents that are intended either for the corporate network or the Internet.

Easy viewing and editing of HTML source code.
Allows for easy toggling between HTML source code and a more WYSISYG view of the document. Users may directly edit their source code if they so choose.

Author and Test your Hyperlinks from within a single Interface.
Users may test hyperlinks from within Internet Assistant or click on the toolbar to toggle to their Web browser for a fully WYSIWYG view of their work.

Why use Internet Assistant?

When it comes to creating documents for an Intranet or the Internet, users want to leverage their knowledge of and investment in tools the already understand and use each day. Because Internet Assistant works within Microsoft Word, users are able to take advantage of the advanced functionality of features like 100 level Undo and AutoCorrect when creating web documents in this familiar environment.

When will it be available?

Internet Assistant for Microsoft Word for the Macintosh will be available by March 31, 1996. Check back at //www.microsoft.com/macoffice for further details.

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