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Microsoft Publisher

Publisher Fact Sheet February 1996
Microsoft Publisher CD Deluxe for Windows 95
Fact Sheet
Microsoft® Publisher CD Deluxe for the Windows® 95 operating system makes it easy for small businesses to create distinctive marketing materials quickly and affordably. The new version has enhanced automation, customized designs and step-by-step instructions to help ensure that even people without graphics experience can produce professional-looking documents. Every aspect of the design process has been simplified, so users can get great-looking publications in just a few easy steps.

Microsoft Publisher is optimized for Windows 95 and features multitasking, long file names, improved OLE support, and Image Color Matching. In addition, Publisher is an Office Compatible 95 product, making it a natural complement to the world’s most popular suite of software applications. For small-business owners this means the product will look like programs they are already familiar with.

Users of Publisher are small businesses (under 10 employees), nonprofit organizations, home offices, in-house departments in larger businesses, schools and any organization that wants to self-publish quickly, easily and economically.


  • PageWizard assistants. The Publisher group was the first to create wizards, and these have been expanded in the new version, providing 20 PageWizards for guiding the user through the creation of common marketing materials such as newsletters, fliers and brochures.

  • Design Gallery. Objects within the Design Gallery can inspire small-business owners to customize their marketing materials with professionally designed elements, such as mastheads, or pull-quotes to jazz up their documents. Users can also add their own elements, such as logos or signatures, to the galleries for easy reference.

  • Word Story Editor. Users can edit stories using Microsoft Word and its familiar interface and commands and then return automatically to Publisher to complete the design. Users no longer need to switch applications manually.

  • Background fixes. Publisher automatically fixes common "fit-and-finish" publishing problems. For example, it adjusts the spacing between letter pairs that normally print too far apart, such as "Wa" and "Yo."

  • Understandable terminology. Small-business owners don’t have time to learn complicated desktop publishing terms such as "kerning" or "drop caps." Publisher uses common terms such as "character spacing" and "Fancy First Letter" that users can understand.

  • Comprehensive content. Publisher CD Deluxe includes more than 1,000 pieces of clip art, 60 TrueType® fonts and 100 publication styles and borders everything a user needs in one place.

  • Special design effects. Publisher gives small-business owners tools to create publications that are uniquely their own. Users can now add a Fancy First Letter more easily and quickly than ever before, rotate text and objects and even customize art from the ClipArt Gallery that will help their materials stand out from the competition’s.

  • Intelligent tools. Publisher’s Layout Checker reviews the user’s document, identifies layout errors and offers suggestions for solving the problems. This helps prevent problems when users have a printing service print a document.

Windows 95 gives small-business owners tremendous benefits, including the use of long file names and the ability to drag and drop text and charts from other applications and to send e-mail documents directly from Publisher. Users can also exchange information quickly with Microsoft Office 95 applications and achieve true color fidelity with Windows 95 Image Color Matching. They can access The Publisher Forum on The Microsoft Network directly from Publisher.

SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Publisher CD Deluxe for Windows 95 requires the following:

  • A personal computer with a 386DX or higher processor(486 recommended)

  • Microsoft Windows 95 or the Microsoft Windows NT Workstation operating system version 3.51 or later (The product will not run on earlier versions of the Windows® operating system.)

  • 6 MB of memory for Windows 95 (8 MB recommended)

  • 12 MB of memory for Windows NT Workstation

  • 6 to 32 MB of available hard-disk space

  • VGA or higher-resolution video adapter (Super VGA for 256-color support recommended)

  • CD-ROM drive (for the CD-ROM version)

  • A Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device recommended

  • For e-mail and access to the Publisher Forum on The Microsoft Network, a 2400 bps or higher Hayes® or compatible modem (9600 bps recommended)

  • $79.95 for the disk or CD-ROM version (CD-ROM provides additional clip art, fonts and borders)

  • No-charge upgrade to Publisher CD Deluxe for Windows 95 for registered owners of Publisher versions purchased after July 15, 1995

  • $49 upgrade price for registered owners of Publisher versions purchased before July 15, 1995

Microsoft, Windows, PageWizard and Windows NT are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corp. in the United States and/or other countries. TrueType is a registered trademark of Apple Computer Inc. Hayes is a registered trademark of Hayes Microcomputer Products Inc.

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