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CMM director Alwyn Eades (left) and the MRL director Howard Birnbaum discuss plans for a new physical plant

The Materials Research Laboratory operates an extensive set of Central Facilities which are an integral part of education and research in MRL. These facilities have been developed over a number of years to meet the needs of the MRL programs. They are operated under the supervision of the MRL Director (H. K. Birnbaum) in a truly "open" manner with access being available to all students, researchers, associates, staff, and faculty of the MRL programs. In addition, the Center Facilities provide a resource for all University of Illinois research and educational programs and are made available to researchers at other Universities, National Laboratories, and Industrial Laboratories. The cost of supporting these facilities is shared proportionately between the NSF, DOE and Science and Technology Center programs.

The mode of operation of each facility is chosen to meet the needs of the users. Most are staffed by Academic Professionals, who are specialists in the experimental techniques and are educated at levels ranging from technician to Ph.D. Each of the professionals bring to the facility expertise and willingness to work with untrained users to develop their understanding of the experimental methods. In general, the facilities expect that all users will learn to use the instruments and conduct their own experimental measurements. The staff serve to instruct the users, assist in the experiments, and help with the interpretation results. In some cases a staff member will become sufficiently involved in the research program to become a co-author on the publications. In addition to their educational functions, the facility staff members maintain the instruments, develop new techniques and instrumental methods, and upgrade the general techniques and methods available to users. This "open" mode of operation ensures that the facilities are available to all qualified users. As a consequence, the students and postdocs in the MRL can acquire the ability to apply high sophisticated instruments to the science and engineering materials. The MRL is the source of the greatest number of instrumentation educated Ph.Ds. in the U.S.