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NCSA Exhibits
 Multimedia Exhibits

NCSA Exhibits

Science for the Millennium
A multimedia online exposition with a science theatre and pavilions of science & industry, collaboration, and computation. Visit today!
National Metacenter MetaScience Project
A multimedia collection containing descriptions of more than 10,000 scientific research projects that utilized the resources of the NSF supercomputing centers. Browse through a field of science or search for specific topics and researchers.
NCSA Digital Information System
A collection of information and images produced at, or in connection with, NCSA
Grand Challenge Cosmology Consortium
Addressing the questions of how galaxies are formed and the origins of the universe.
Spacetime Splashes: Catching the Wave in Einstein's Equations
The Scientist Workbench and the CAVE Demo from the NCSA General Relativity Group.
The Fractal Microscope
Focus on fractals--an interactive tool for exploring the Mandelbrot set and other fractal patterns.
NSF HPCC Science Highlights 1993
Descriptions of computational research projects currently underway at the NSF High Performance Computing and Communcations Centers.
NCSA Digital Gallery CD-ROM
Excerpts from NCSA's latest CD-ROM, which contains 250 Mbytes of scientific images and animations, produced by researchers from around the world.
Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML)
VRML, an open, platform-independent file format for 3D graphics on the Internet, is introduced and explained.

University of Illinois Exhibits

Introduction to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Facts and images from the U. of I.
The Krannert Art Museum
Informations and exhibits from the University of Illinois' art museum

Other Exhibits

Champaign County, Illinois
CCNet, A gateway to Champaign County--the community, educational resources, agribusiness, small business, and health services.
Communities online
What communitites are doing online--a presentation from Supercomputing'95.


National Center for Supercomputing Applications / mail comments to: pubs@ncsa.uiuc.edu