The Income Gap
NPR's John Ydstie investigates the growing disparity in real
income between Americans in this special series from Morning Edition:
Part One: NPR's John Ydstie explores the causes of income disparity, and
what steps, if any, the government should take to close the gap.
Morning Edition, February 27.
[Soundfile] [Transcript]
Part Two: What caused the fall in American wages? Was it really the drop
in demand for traditional workers' skills? NPR's John Ydstie finds that not
everyone agrees on that explanation. Morning Edition, February 27.
[Soundfile] [Transcript]
Part Three: NPR's John Ydstie reports on the factors that widen the
distance between families at the top and families at the bottom of
America's income divide. He investigates cultural changes, specifically
in the role of women. Morning Edition, February 28.
[Soundfile] [Transcript]
Part Four: Continuing the series, NPR's John Ydstie reports there's
disagreement over strategies proposed to correct the income gap problem, but
there's also a good deal of consensus. Morning Edition, February 29.
[Soundfile] [Transcript]
Part Five: In the final segment of his series on the income
gap, NPR's John Ydstie examines whether blocking trade deals and raising
tariffs, as urged by Pat Buchanan, would positively affect the declining
earnings of less-skilled American workers. Morning Edition, March 1.
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