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The Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
The Queen's University of Belfast

Medicine-related information

An excellent link page in Scotland
A joint effort to promote WWW.
The Internet and Medicine
WWW and its Medical possibilities
University of Queensland, Orthopaedic Division
Another orthopaedic department with their own WWW pages. You will find some useful orthopaedic registrar notes here.
Northern Ireland Bio-engineering Centre
See who is doing what in bio-engineering at the University of Ulster at Jordanstown on this tidy web server.
Department of Radiology, University of Pisa, Italy
These pages are dedicated to radiology. Some of their own work is presented and they have compiled a useful list of medical imaging sites.
Annals of Biomedical Engineering
The Journal of the Biomedical Engineering Society (North America). This site uses large superfluous images, which are slow to come across the network. It is advisable, therefore, to disable the loading of inline images using the options menu of your browser.
Virtual medical library
This is a practically exhaustive and constantly updated list of medicine-related resources on network.
Warwick University hosts this World Wide Web server dedicated to Nursing.
Elsevier Science catalogue of medical journals
Elsevier seem to be leading the way in net.awareness among publishers. Their web pages offer a comprehensive catalogue of all the publications and this link points to their medical journals. There is even a form that can be used to order a sample copy.
Frog dissection
The University of Viriginia have developed this innovative user interface to frog dissection visualisation software, primarily for use with secondary school classes. You will need a fair deal of patience to cope with the transfer of the many images involved in the user interface.
Virtual Hospital
The University of Iowa is developing this multi-media teaching resource for clinicians.
US National Library of Medicine
There are many things to explore here, including an archive of images illustrating the history of medicine.
Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Systems
The Computer Science Department at the University of Hull are collaborating with Orthopaedic surgeons at Hull Royal Infirmary in this project.
Cornucopia of Disability Information,
This gopher at Buffalo, New York, offers a plethora of disability and rehabilitation information.
Laurie Imaging Centre
This New Jersey project offers access to MRI images and a searchable database of patient notes.
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Jersey
This is a medical image gopher, also based in New Jersey.

John O'Doherty
Last Updated: 18 December 1995