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General Information about country, people, geography and climate can be gotten from the CIA World Factbook entry.

Legal Situation: Prostitution has always been legal in the Netherlands. Since 1988, it has been defined as a legal profession and prostitutes joined the Service Sector Union. Prostitutes are not registered and are not required to get health checks. Pimping and facilitating prostitution is illegal. There is an organization of prostitution customers called "Klep-group" in Amsterdam. The age of consent is 16.

Special practica. S/M, zoophily and toilet sex are legal, making and selling material is also legal - you can buy it in every sex shop.

Finding prostitutes: In the urban areas and near the borders to Germany and Belgium, there is street prostitution, window prostitution (prostitutes rent a small room and solicit from behind a window, usually in the red light districts), sex clubs and bars, and escort services and call girls. In rural areas, there are so called "sex farms", brothels which provide living quarters for the prostitutes similar to the brothels in Nevada. Everything is advertised freely in the newspapers.

Specific information about the Cities and Regions

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The World Sex Guide. Last update: 1996/02/21.
(C) 1994,1995,1996 Atta and M. <an48932@anon.penet.fi>
Permission is granted to freely copy, modify, and distribute this document in whole or in part, provided that it is not done for profit and that this notice remains attached.