hide random home http://www.paranoia.com/faq/prostitution/Thailand.html (PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)


General Information about country, people, geography and climate can be gotten from the CIA World Factbook entry.

Legal Situation: Prostitution is technically illegal, but largely tolerated. There seems to be a recent crack down on child prostitution though. A report about the economics and politics of child prostitution in Thailand is available online.

The age of consent is 16. Police discourage girls between 16 and 18 from the prostitution business.

Four very comprehensive articles about the thai scene appeared in alt.sex.services:

Other contributed articls:

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The World Sex Guide. Last update: 1996/02/21.
(C) 1994,1995,1996 Atta and M. <an48932@anon.penet.fi>
Permission is granted to freely copy, modify, and distribute this document in whole or in part, provided that it is not done for profit and that this notice remains attached.