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Mossad Liaison

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diplomats in israel**diplomatic liaison / jumbo**Mossad moles**FBI Surveillance of arab embassies**Peacekeepers**Anti-terrorism seminars**False flags**Mutual agents

In my books, I detail operations such as the bombing of Tripoli, Libya and the Gulf War for which the Mossad was largely responsible through the clever deception of allied intelligence agencies notably the CIA.

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  • Diplomats in israel

    It is suspicious for a person with a Hebrew name to associate with foreign diplomats in Israel since all diplomats in Israel are considered spies. For this reason, if an Israeli soldier who is hitchhiking were to accept a ride from someone with diplomatic plates, he'd be court-martialed.

  • diplomatic liaison / jumbo

    Conversely, information obtained by the Mossad from diplomatic liaison accounts for from 5% to 10% of all the intelligence gathered.

    Mossad katsas are instructed for the purpose of liaison with other intelligence agencies to cultivate the friendship of their opposite numbers to the point where the other agent will volunteer information to his counterpart for his benefit, as a friend. This is called jumbo information.

    However, Mossad katsas are instructed that divulging jumbo to an opposite number is regarded as treason.

  • Mossad moles

    The report from Oil Paint in the Danish intelligence service By Way of Deception shows how Mossad agents infilltrate themselves into an intelligence agency, and then provide information on it to Mossad.

    The danger is that, once the entire structure of an intelligence service is understood, Mossad can and will use it or give it in whatever way and to whomever it chooses.

  • FBI surveillance of arab embassies

    The American FBI photograph people entering Arab embassies. Collaborators in the FBI sometimes send the photos to the Mossad.

  • Peacekeepers

    UN peacekeepers stationed near the neutral zone with Syria have been used often as messengers because they can cross the border at will. During his time in the Mossad, the author says that peacekeeper messengers would leave at least three times a week for Syria, and most of them were Canadians.

  • Anti-terrorism seminars

    The Mossad provides anti-terrorism seminars. These are in fact well-oiled recruiting operations that have brought into the Mossad's bank of manpower hundreds, if not thousands, of law enforcement personnel from the US, where they were later recruited using the B'nai Brith

    . Trainees have also come from the intelligence agencies of Denmark, Sweden, and many other countries. Professional security companies employ Israelis in large numbers, as well.

  • Screening arab / palestinian visa applications

    The Mossad takes full advantage of the fact that in the intelligence field, what really counts for a possible promotion is the ability to prove that you've managed to thwart a terrorist attack. It therefore offers a screening service to some western intelligence agencies, whereby visa applications from Arabs, particularly Palestinians, are passed to the Mossad for checking.

    Forms raising suspicion are returned to the appropriate destination country desk for double-checking in order to weed out all but the hot files. Hot names are added to a roster with all relevant information.

    The roster is then passed on to Mossad operations center every second day. There the new names are reviewed to see if Mossad wants to recruit immediately or put them on hold. If the decision is to recruit immediately, the destination country would not be given an answer regarding the applicant in question. In these circumstances, officials are meant to assume that all is well, and to approve the visa.

  • Recruiting refugees

    Once the applicant is on the soil of the destination country and under Mossad surveillance, however, officials would be informed that the refugee is a dangerous person. Refugee proceedings would automatically cease, and the host intelligence agency would bring in the applicant for questioning and a Mossad officer to do it.

    The Mossad officer would then attempt to recruit the applicant / refugee during interrogation. If the recruitment were successful, the refugee would be released to act as an agent for Mossad inside the Palestinian community in Europe, or elsewhere. If not recruited, the man would be threatened and released; usually, he would then escape to another country where the Mossad has similar arrangements. There the process would start all over again.

  • False flags

    The Mossad will meet with any organization it considers terrorist and provide them with the supplies they are looking for explosives, arms in return for information regarding preparations against Israeli targets.

    This is done sometimes under false flags, i.e. Mossad officers representing themselves as operatives from some country other than Israel.

    Recruitment is often carried out under false flags as well. Here again, the recruit believes that he is dealing with some country other than Israel, and he will continue to believe so until and unless he ceases operations.

  • Mutual agents

    Katsas are trained in recruiting mutual agents for friendly agencies like the CIA, but they don't operate the agents. They are taught instead how to steal mutual agents from friendly agencies, essentially by changing the country of operation for the agent, then informing the friendly agency that contact has been lost.

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