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PVV's machine collection

PVV have mostly UNIX machines, but a very varied mix of hardware and UNIX variants (we even have some PCs that occationally runs OS/2 Warp and Window 95, but we're not proud of it).

Almost all the machines we have are borrowed from somewhere. Some are borrowed from vendors, others from around the University. But we own a few (working) machines as well, and some of the members have placed their own PCs in our terminal-room.
These are the machines currently available to PVV members:

In addition to this, we have a lot of old hardware that is stuffed away in the server room, simply because we have no room for it elsewhere (not all of it works either). Among this equipment there is one VAX 11/750, a PDP11/24, a PDP11/34 (currently being "resurrected"), one ND 100, two ND 10, and piles of cables, some spare parts and accessories. (Yes, the room is a big mess).
Last modified: Fri Mar 8 16:47:51 MET 1996
Generated from database by Pål Løberg