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Why Market on the Internet?

You can reach 30 million people around the world through the Internet. It doesn't matter if you're a small association or a multi-national corporation--the Internet is the most affordable, dynamic and wide-reaching medium ever available. And, best of all, customers come to you.

OWhat Are the Possibilities?

Imagine a medium that combines the best attributes of direct mail, magazine and television advertising, yet costs only a fraction of the price for advertising. Consider these possibilities for your message:

Overwhelmed? Results Direct will help you choose the best presentation to make you stand out on the Internet.


OWorld Wide Web Demographics

Everyone from Vice President Al Gore to Time and Forbes is touting the virtues of the "Net," and with good reason. Recent surveys about the Internet and World Wide Web justify the media "hype:" Consider these facts:


OThe Internet is Cost-Effective

Compared to the high cost per thousand (CPM) of print and broadcast advertising and direct mail, the Internet is clearly more cost-effective. The price for Internet "space" is low, and production expenses are minimal:

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