Max's world Max's view of the universe: Comics, Aquarius, FaT GiRL, and general dyke mayhem.
Elliott Aldrich
<> Oakland,
Eighteen Percent Gray Photo's and photo based imagery. Web SiteDesign and Digital Publishing.
Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights <>
Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights. ANR is a national nonprofit advocacy organization working to protect nonsmokers from secondhand smoke and youth from tobacco addiction.
Ervic Aquino <>
Ervic's World. A place where I like to show off some of my graphic work. Including one of my sites that made "Cool Site of the Day."
Jerry Asher
The usual mix of the sirius and the sillius, featuring "Astreaux's Satellite Lounge".
David Bailey
<> San Francisco
Huge The home of Huge Graphics (full service design services) and Huge Magazine: "All my fits I Print as News"
Barbell Web Design
<> San
Barbell Web Design Hipsters agree.
The Bay Area Connection
<> San Mateo
Take A Virtual Tour of San Francisco You can take it right here. You will see the scenery. You can shop for souvenir, get in touch with the personnel office of the bay area companies and discover the fun life in the area.
California Anti-SLAPP Project
California Anti-SLAPP Project The California Anti-SLAPP Project is dedicated to protecting and furthering the rights of Californians to participate in government and civic affairs and to speak freely about public issues. CASP assists the public and legal community in preventing and defending against "strategic lawsuits against public participation" (SLAPPs).
Berkeley High School <>
Berkeley High School. The Berkeley High School WEB page (under construction) has links to the student newspaper "Jacket," the PTSA newsletter, and other shcool information and publications.
Eric & Silvina Blasen
<> Sausalito
BLASEN Objects+Landscapes This page features and art gallery of current furniture and garden design projects.
Darrow Boggiano <>
San Francisco Sun Site - Earthquake Warning. Everchanging links to cool places and miscellaneous groovin graphics (in other words, no real theme yet.)
John Boone
I'll be jiggered! As if you'll visit just because i have a cool description here! If you're bored, stop by. Not much, but it's home.
Blaine Bragg <>
apartmentTenderloin. A cyberspace kind of an apartment with different characters. Still developing. Satire is involved.
Betsy Brazy
Betsy Brazy's Unofficial Home Page A bit of high-tech quilting, including instructions for printing scanned photographs onto fabric with an inkjet printer, book reviews from the Quilt Peddler Newsletter, my quilts, and links. Also: How I found True Love online.
Kelly Brennan
Webbed Cream Personal page including bio and resume. Reviews of the hot spots and sights in San Francisco including awesome architectural photos
Andy Brooks <>
Various nonsense can be located here at the moment.
Carter Brooks <>
Carter's Screaming Heart Home Page. Carter is a radically confident poet, artist, publisher of Carter Readers. His home page is under construction.
Lisle K. Brook
<> San Francisco,
America's Army Can you believe it? An Army presence still exists in the Bay area. Stretch your some lateral thinking...check it out!
Chip Brookshaw
Half a Page Part of your balanced breakfast. Every Monday morning.
Carol Broussard
<> San
Jules Broussard's Home Page Sound bytes from the premier jazz sax player in the Bay area. Check out the dates and locations, then come hear!
Gregg Butensky <>
Gregg's Travels and Related Stuff. Gregg has posted an essay written about his adventures in Cambodia during the 1993 elections as well as photographs he took in Cambodia, Viet Nam, Laos, the Philippines, Thailand, Burma, India and Nepal. He is also developing a site for the non-profit "BOOKS for the BARRIOS" as well as one for a project to establish a lending library on the island of Panay in the Philippines.
Pete Carpino
Virtual Fairway Golf Web Catalog Virtual Fairway offers experienced golf balls at reduced prices. With each purchase, customers are eligible to win a golf-related prize by answering a "Rules of Golf" question.
John Cartan
<> Alameda,
Cartania Please visit beautiful Cartania, featuring a flying lesson, an homage to a dead cat, and the tallest tower in Cyberspace!
Diane Rowett Castro
<> San
Rowett & Associates the Internet Marketing Experts Rowett & Associates is the Internet marketing expert. We set-up creative and innovative web sites for businesses designed to reach your potential customers and attain your marketing goals and objectives.
Greg Ceniceroz
<> San
URL Stickers A toy for your wicked car. Looks especially good on Volvos or Citroens. No Bud - No High Fives. Just some good eatin'.
Acme Computer Graphics
<> San Francisco
ACME Computer Graphics We design the future. World Wide Web, Multimedia, Graphics/Design or ? See QuickTime movies and ART. A real Multimedia Gallery.
James Chao
<> San Francisco
Feast your eyes for a cool page. This is for my company and myself. I operate a design studio specialized in Chinese. I am also trading with China. Please check it out.
Bruce Chrisp <>
Web Designer, Classcial Trombonist and Home Brewer.
<> San Francisco
Fancy Basket Toy Co is a record label dedicated to the music of psyche/prog/noise/pop band Clockbrains. Contains a complete discography, reviews from around the world, pictures, audio clips, upcoming shows and more. Also home to the pages of the acrobatic comedy troupe Los Payasos Mendigos. Constantly updated and improved!
Code Farms, Inc.
<> Ottawa
Code Farms Data Object Libraries and Persistent Data The state of the art library made to make or break the biggest C++ projects. Come take a look! :)
Patricia Corrigan <>
Sarabel's studio. A working artist's studio where the gifs are lean. "The Gallery" has real art for sale, some nudes.
Yannis Cosmadopoulos <>
Resume: Yannis Cosmadopoulos. My resume (gissajob)
<> Berkeley
COST BUSTERS TRAVEL: Best deals in cruises and international vacations COST BUSTERS TRAVEL is a tavel agency and tour operator. We specialize in discount cruises and the absolute best deals in international vacation packages to exotic destinations and incredible island vacations. We have special expertise in Thailand, Southeast Asia, and Tahiti in the South Pacific. If you are under too much stress or need a little adventure in your life, we can help you. If you would like to get into the exciting field of cruise and international travel, we also have an outside agent and tour leader program.
Andy Couturier <>
Writing. Life on the Land. People. Travels. Work.
Tom Dalton <>
Music Therapy and MIDI. Information about Music Therapy and the use of MIDI. Other music services offered including songwriting, Performer/D.J.s and bands.
Jeff Davis <>
Davis Studios. High Bandwidth Crayon Logic
Robert Davis <>
Z O L A. Zola is a singer songwriter guitarist performing with cellist Eric Stein mostly around Northern California. Zola's debut CD (with Eric on cello) is being released by Bouncing Buddha Productions. This site contains information on Zola and Eric as well as links to musi-cal (national artist touring info), the internet cello society, SF Bay Area stuff and more!
Wayne De Jager
<> San
Francisco, Johannesburg
African Art For Thousands of years African Art has played a vital role in the cultural life of Africans. So many areas of Western Art have been influenced by the rich beauty of African art, from Egypt to Morocco, Senegal to Zululand. Intense artistry and craftsmanship veiwable from your browser.
DiaDia International. Impecunious peregrinators stop wandering and start jewelry company.
Jamie Chandler/Robin Weiss <>
Dog Day Designs Home Page for Dog Day Designs, a small graphics firm offering a variety of services and products.
Will Doolittle
<> San
Macintosh Database Consultant I create database systems on the Macintosh, often with live connections to the internet.
Mike Dobmeier
Death Zone A nice page with frames with some cool links!!!
David Dodge
Salvage The industrial landscape rediscovered through a lyrical journey of images and design.
Steve Duda <>
Razorface @ IUMA. My band, RAZORFACE, and our current page at the IUMA--download a CD quality version of one of our songs for free! Links to my home page and more.Bill Dunlap <> Paris, France
European Business Center The Web proves very difficult to navigate when one wants to find European sites in other European languages other than English. Europe represents 23% of the content to the Web (worldwide), although most sites are not listed in search engines because of the language problem. The European Business Center provides a growing list of European sites by country and by subject.
Pam Duncan <>
Pam's Other Home. Slightly messy but comfortable. St.Andrew's and St.Mary's Renassiance guild information. Favorite links, and where to reach me on line.
Bill Dunlap
<> Paris,
Business Communication Resources Euro-Marketing Associates provides high-tech business communication tools to streamline and economize a company's marketing & communications (both telecom and Internet products).
Elizabeth Dunsmuir
<> San
Amphibious images Art and unanswered questions. "If it's an arrow then it's pointing at something. If it isn't an arrow, it isn't pointing at anything." (Gombrowicz)
charles uzzell edwards
<> San
fax label homie page Charles Uzzell Edwards' fax label sexy music resume thomas cat martha shrine gardening club mum + dad siddhartha supergroupoctopus a new consciousness d.j. designer +49-69/450464 ambient environmental interview create psychedelic house music comfy chair homie page. xxx
R. Wiley Evans <;>
Wiley's Web Wipe comPoser. Rad Ooba-ness. music next millennium. Triumph TR6. Skiing. Surfing is not something you do on a computer, because there is no fiberglass to eat but as they say..."Surf on, fellow Funkateers"
David Fausel
<> San
Flash's Home Page A page relating to a variety of things, ultimate frisbee and sports being two of them. Still way under construction.
Marvin Feldman
<> San
Resource Decisions An environmental consulting firm serving both public and private clients.
Diane Fenster
<> Pacifica
Diane Fenster Portfolio An online portfolio of Diane Fenster's illustration. New works are always being added so please check in often.
John Fenton
Compu Doc computer service. "We Make House Calls"
J. R. Fitch
Nine Dragons Software info Nine Dragons Software developed the successful 1992 DOS product 'Hong Kong Mahjong Pro' and is using this page to provide status on their upcoming Win95 version of this addictive game.
Howard Fites <>
Welcome To Cafe Pinstripe. NeXT based Graphic Design services for the Web.
Matthew Fleischman <>
The Mechadeus Web World. Abstract World Headquarters for Mechadeus, The company that brought The Daedalus Encounter and Critical Path into the world.
<> San
Fon's Bug World A site for insect inthusiasts. Where you can get many original images.
<> San
Star Wars Inventory For Sale Entire Star Wars Collection For Sale. Taking bids.
J. Patrick Forden
PERCEPTICON / TEMPORALIMAGE PERCEPTICON specializes in creative concept, design and implementation of online & offline interactive multimedia. Check out TEMPORALIMAGE, our online environment committed to the presentation of thoughtful and creative photography, film, and related written essays.
Forty Plus <>
Forty Plus of Northern California. Forty Plus is a non-profit self help group of professionals and executives activly engaged in a job search. This page describes the organization, its training program and how to join.
Larry Fowler
<> South San
hire me.... I'm atechnical illustrator specializing in isometric exploded view line drawings.... starting today I'll be taking 3D Studio classes till MAy.... hire me please.........
Bay Area Performances. A growing page for art, music, theatre and bios in the Bay Area.
Barrett Fox <>
Blimpzilla! I wear several caps, animator, and musician chief among them. Blimpzilla! brings you inappropriate cartoon characters and Analog Music (my fledgling label), and, by God--Blimps!
Myles R. Friedland
NEWMALL Enter a brief description of your Web page here. NEWMALL is the new commercial domain name for Myles R. Friedland. The account was previously listed under, and the WEB pages can still be accessed through SIRIUS as well( However, I want to promote NEWMALL. At the present time, the site is home to Cost Busters Travel. In the future, we will add applied psychology and teaching-tips pages for parents, as well as business opportunity pages. We will also offer WEB page development services.
Bill Friedman
Lingua Franca"Lingua Franca. A Full Service Music Production Company, providing, recording production, digital audio production, original composition and arranging and music preparation. Samples of original music on-site."
Matt Fukuda <>
Internet Playground, From Tha Bay. iPLAY is a Web design team dedicated to helping people and business create a Web Presence. The Bay Area Hip Hop Coalition was formed to help promote Hip Hop in the Bay Area. Our members are active in the Bay Area music scene as writers, musicans, DJs and VJs. Our goal is to expand the definition of Hip Hop.
mike's dangling thread. Under construction.
Belen Garcia-Alvarado
<> San Francisco,
Zakros InterArts Zakros InterArts / New Music Theatre presents collaborative new work by multimedia artists and composers.
Nik Gervae <>
Personal web page. Technical writer in the SF area.
Ron Gilliams <>
My page is a Personal Page that has links for: 1. Shooting (Target) Sports. 2. My Company "Tardis Computer Systems". 3. Different Computer Pages. 4. Sci-fi Links 5. Kids Page. 6. Bizarre Stories. 7. Internet Information Links. 8. And lots More..
William Gimbel
<> San
My Stuff You will probably always find some photographs. In time there will be other stuff...
Mark Goldowitz
The California Anti-SLAPP Project The California Anti-SLAPP Project (CASP) is dedicated to helping protect and further the rights of Californians to participate in government and civic affairs and to speak freely about public issues. CASP assists the public and legal community in preventing and defending against SLAPPs.
GreenScene Media
<> San
a site definitely under construction as nonprofit GreenScene Media finally hits the Internet with a splat
Jennifer Gwirtz <>
Willow's Grove. Homepage and virtual studio.
Stephen Haight
<> SF
WebScouts home page WebScouts is a San Francisco based Web design and all purpose on-line marketing company. Web features include HTML, Java, CGI,and Showcase. Also, on-line research, registration and placement.
Kevin Hampton
<> San Francisco
Progressive Media Arts With over 9 years experience in computer-based media and technical communications, Progressive Media Arts provides professional-level web design and multimedia services for the Mac, Windows, and UNIX platforms. Once you've checked out PMA's web site, feel free to drop us a note. Thanks, and support freedom of expression on the Internet -- and everywhere!
Fred Haney
fred haney & sons computer co. pc clone reseller s wanted
Tom Hardman
<> San
Darwin Motors Darwin is a medium through which Beemerites can be connected to infinite permutations of Beemer-ness thereby aiding in the natural selection of his/her own personal boxer or brick. We want to help you get what your Beemer needs to evolve into the perfect machine for you - that's what Darwin Motors is about - the evolution of a quality machine.
Museo de las Momias: Preserved Corpses. This site gives a pictoral description of a Museum that is well known in Mexico for its display of well preserved corpses. Until the 1950's, if a family could not afford to renew the burial plot fee of a dead relative, the body of the relative would be exhumed and put on display in the museum. Due to the properties of the soil there, the bodies are surprisingly well preserved, often with teeth, hair and clothing still intact. At this site you get to see pictures of some of these cadavers.
Howz It Ohana. People from Hawaii have a place here to check out events going on in Hawaii and here in the Bay Area. I'm learning this home page, so like... Give me one break o'wat!
Steven Wayne Heathcock
Steven Heathcock's Home Page OK, so I'm a beginner at web pages. But Hey, I've got a counter already. Right now the page consists of one sizable background GIF (and the counter). But give me a few days and I'll provide something that will hopefully entertain as well as amuse. You'll probably see a good deal of model rocketry in the coming weeks as that is my latest passion. In fact, I plan to publish my latest scratch built rocket design online for other enthusiasts out there. Thanks for reading!
Timothy Hom <>
Tim Hom's Web Page. My own space in Cyberspace.
Mark Hughes
Wonderland Take a trip down the rabbit hole...
ray hunter
the RaY ZoNe an interesting, semi-psychedelic site including sound samples from the bands PLASMA and CAUTIOUS RAIN. includes links for those interested in electronic music and putting sound on the web. the creator is available for Mac owners who want to develop web sites or desire internet training
Dave Hurley (SYFer)
<> San
SYFer A minimalist (and rather dubious) exploration of my electronic selfhood. Heavy, man.
Rasta Ani i
Tri l Communication Network-Tri i Net Multimedia & Entertainment Managment, Development, Marketing. Publishing and Production Company. The CEO bring over Twenty Years of multimedia and music experience, with ten album, three singles and one forty five plus much more. Contact us at 510- 536 - 3847 you'll be glad you did
Indebike <>
Online Motorcycle Directory
Graphic design for print, environment, and new media. Identity, collateral, information, multimedia, user interface, web. Hot!
InfoEnable Corporation
InfoEnable Corporation. Think Globally. Act Globally.
Travels in St. Vincent with Charly. A text-only tour of St. Vincent. Stay tuned for bigger and better things.
JG Fine Art Photography. Currently showing "Mostly Animals"
John-Christopher <>
A mixed bag of undulating nuts including but not limited to: my trip to Indonesia; Panic In Detroit, my local tribute band to David Bowie; Songs & Desires; a virtual bus station of virtual friends
John Kathrein
<> San Francisco
Pitchfork's Palace As with most personal homepages, this really is just a mish-mash of random miscellany... including anything from an Amber Valletta photo gallery, to a story about why this page is named Pitchfork's Palace!
Kenny International <>
Kenny International. Your guide to the finest in life. Web spaces include: International Central Operating Location, ICOL--operating center for News, Business News and Stock Quotes. The International Fine Art Collectors' Museum and Galleries--accessing Fine Art from the connoisseur's perspective. San Francisco International Network--The City, visitor information, the wine country. International Jet Set--travel as a lifestyle, places, airlines, airport Info. International Yachts and Yachting. Endless Summer-- surfers' Wild Beach Party.
Timothy Kingwell
<> San
The Scale 'n' Feather Come and enter my demesne. Enjoy the flavourful graphics, grab some quick meditation time. Leave part of your mind at the Rant Board. Really, the possibilities defy the limited space I have to
Malcolm Kwan
<> Oakland
theCombine Home Page A web/multi-media consultancy supporting Bay Area clients in Net presence.
John Kyrk
<> San
Animation on the Web Realtime animation on the Web.
Creighton Laskey
H-Tiller Magazine An offshoot from a small, locally published music magazine.
Monte Leach
Emergence of Maitreya Information on the most important event of our time
Leather Tongue Video <>
Leather Tongue Video. We've got what turns you on.
Anthony Lee
<> Berkeley
French Music Database The one and only comprehensive guide contemporary french music on the web! This page features lyrics to thousands of french songs, French top singles and album charts, as well as my favorite albums and songs of all time!
Armando Leigh
<> San
California Cycle Insurance Service We are an independent insurance agency based in San Francisco. We offer motorcycle insurance to California cyclists through "A" rated, admitted companies. Our site includes a section on ways to save on your cycle insurance, what to look out for when you buy or sell a motorcycle, what to do if you're involved in an accident, links to other cycle sites on the web and an opportunity to obtain a free rate estimate for cycle insurance by e-mail.
Jain Lemos
<> Mill Valley
MadBadGer Home Page Check out MadBadGer's unique Vintage Collecion, a line of very cool, brightly colored badges incorporating vintage photographs and neon graphics.
Lime Voodoo Productions
<> San
Lime Voodoo Prodcutions is an interactive multimedia group specializing in Quicktime, auido, 3-D design, Web site design and CD-Rom interface production. Coming soon: Shopckwave!
tony lin
<> san
tony lin home page This will be my cool page it is STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION.
Screen Savers For Windows From A-Z And Custom Screen Saver Development Service By Rat Loaf. Here is a list of links of over 210+ Windows screen savers that you can download plus custom screen saver development service available...
goodDog Productions. Graphics, multimedia, and WWW design, plus electronic artwork, fiction, the Sirius Users' Pages list, and third-party commercial concerns
Michael Macrone <>
At Home with Michael Macrone. A personal page with info on my published work, plus a link to my indexed hotlist.
Mark Mardon
<> San
Come: The Journal of Eclectic Journeys A quarterly magazine geared toward wandering minds, presenting serious and offbeat reporting and writing on culture and nature. Edited by Mark Mardon
Steve McConnell <>
Addicted To Noise The web's first and most comprehensive music magazine. Published monthly, ATN contains great features and columns from some of the best writers in rock journalism, new album reviews added every few days, and the daily updated Music News of the World. Also, sound and video samples, and even some free stuff.
Max McKinnon and Sophia Valko
<> San
Dom Maxophia Digital home of Max and Sophia. We welcome visitors to explore our electronic habitat featuring many things of interest to Russians and Americans with interests in music, literature and the arts. We have a gallery, library and sound room (all in progress) and links to some great resources about Russia and the Bay Area. Dobro Pozhalovat!
Manic D Press <>
Manic D Press. The Manic D Press website features an online catalog of our awesome publications: far-out fiction, great poetry, and raunchy comix, as well as a frequently updated list of author readings and non-stodgy literary events.
James Masters
A association of Independant Professional Telecom Mgrs. Best Picks for '96 Associations very extensive, regularly updated listing of MOST COST COMPETITIVE, RELIABLE SERVICES OFFERED BY The Telecommunications INDUSTRY. Save Time, and BIG $$'s, and get advice from the Pros on related Telecom issues. Includes all forms of the lowest wholesale priced services the industry offers: Long distance-Business, Residential, 800 service, International 800, FollowMe 800 service, Calling cards, Conference Calling, MeetMe Conferencing, Free 800#'s For the Media, Interactive Voice Response, Fax Broadcasting, Fax-On-Demand services, Sports Paging service, T-1 dedicated service, Professional Bill auditing service, International Callback, Overseas 800 service, Pre-paid calling cards, and Hardware systems design."
Anthony Mazzei <>
Mazzei Packs Technical backpacks and fannypacks. Designed for hardcore hikers, cyclists and runners. Contests and super on-line discounts!!! Satisfaction guaranteed.
Joe Melloy <>
A collection of some of my favorite links and an online portfolio/gallery of original digital illustrations, sounds, MIDI compositions and Quicktime animations. Also, for Mac users, an interactive portfolio.
Jesse G Merril
The Katharine Chase Band Insider info re The Katharine Chase Band, including bio, photos, sound files, upcoming tour dates and contact info, CD releases, mail order info, and commentary.
joel's self-referential home page includes: fun facts about joel. the san francisco bike messenger association homepage. our hopes for the cycle messenger world championships '96 in sf. perkygoff world headquarters homepage. links joel thinks are swanky. and more! some assembly required. ages 4 and up.
Michael Metzger
<> SF
Integrated Communication An information service linking the cross-cultural environment of Asia, Europe, and the USA through consultation, research, publishing, and instruction. Well maintained links in the dynamic world of the WWW by Integrated Communication will give you a gateway to places you always wanted to know more about.
Migden for Assembly Campaign
<> San Francisco
Carole Migden is running for California State Assembly. Stop by our site to check on upcoming events or visit our photo gallery.Biographical and Legislative activity is also summarized here.Supervisor Migden is currently a member of the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco.
Frank Miles
<> San
Feeling Gravity's Pull Rock climbing, cats, the usual stuff.
Chris Monser <>
Chris Monser's Home Page. Standard personal Web homepage stuff. Stuff about me and my family. Links to interesting stuff & activities in Pacifica.
Monster Cable Products
South San Francisco
welcome.html Monster Cable's own home page on the Internet.
jeff morrell
<> sf
electric cattle productions Neato server-push animation, and portfolio for Jeff Morrell A not only a graphics intensive site but audaciously graphics ONLY! no text browser defaults here, pal.
Mike Morris <>
Mike's Homepage.Mike's Homepage. My picture, personal bio information, and some fun links too. Always looking for VFR750F aftermarket sources, or any other information you want to e-mail me. Still under development.
The Wonderful World of Prophet Communications. In the trenches of hypermedia warfare, Prophet is devising solutions to problems that new technology creates. We have unique insight into the changing media landscape, whether it is a new medium that craves creative content, old mediums that need to evolve with epochal new tools, or a new paradigm of influence that is longing for fresh vision.
Jim Mullins
<> San
The Asia Foundation The programs and publications of The Asia Foundation, an international foundation with headquarters in San Francisco, 14 offices in Asia, and programs in 37 Asia-Pacific countries.
Michael Murphy
So you want to be a shaman... A home in the electronic din.
Rachael Myrow
<> San
The Well-Rounded Flat A micro-publication serving a small but growing community of friends, family and contributors. No pet pictures here!
Nyondo Nadi <>
Dzogchen Chotchke Shop. The Dzogchen Chotchke Shop is open for business. If you're interested in anything from auto mechanics to Dzogchen, surf this way. See this home page for available skills and services...we accept both business and barter.
Natural Econometric
<> San
EVENT PLANNER. If you need someone to plan an event or promote your company's product or service, come visit us.
NetSurfer <>
Leslie Nicole
The French School of Superlearning Come spend July in the Loire Valley in France. Stay in a country manor and learn french, the pleasurable way.
Josh Olaf
<> San Francisco,
The Cydonia Zone A strange melange of links to this century's most perplexing anomaly and of course, home to Cydonia Records, the indie label for the twenty-first century musician. Well, sort of. Just remember to bring lots of sunscreen.
L. Maria Olmos
<> San
SFINK A World Wide Web Advertising and Publishing Firm.
Original music & tibetan buddhist meditation (under construction)
Alyssa Ostrander <>
Cosmic Web. Your interlink for personal and planetary transformation! We include the Cosmic Web Journal, Resource Guide, Cosmic Love Link, and Online Bookstore for the expanding network of souls seeking planetary evolution and healing.
Hey Hey Hey. Various odd literary pursuits: Catapults and large siege weapons since the bronze age; the difficult history of romance in the west, especially in the 80's; a weekend in LA with epistemological overtones; and runes, the real things from the 8th century, not those generalized ralph blum ciphers. Selections, interactions, pics.
Pace Design Group <>
Pace Design Group Pace Design Group is a graphic design firm specializing in corporate graphics both in print and online.
Jeffrey Lawrence/Lawrence Creative Services <>
The Pacifica Internet Cafe A great to place to gather for news and information about and around Pacifica, CA
Dave Pell <>
The daveNETics home page features educational support for high school teachers where we invite teachers to submit their own lesson plans. daveNETprofit provides investment information stock picks and links to key Wall Street Sources. We also feature, daveNETiverse, a hot page that contains descriptions of, and links to, dozens of our favorite Web Sites. Finally, we will provide the home for the "TAXI" Homepage.
Paul Perkins
<> San Francisco
Bearcat's Home Page Many things as yet to be determined. Essays, rants, business stuff, and multiple and various points of interest and disinterest. It will develop as my knowledge of the medium develops.
Keeshond Home Page. The beautiful Keeshond! A most excellent breed of dogs.
Richard Petersen
z Publishing Lots of stuff - San Francisco, Media, Russian Trade, unofficial pages, etc
Daniel Pittman
<> San Francisco
Daniel's HomePage This is my fun gaypage of shameless self-promotion, featuring pictures of my friends, my family, my pet snakes, humor, the "GlamourPage", and a tribute to friends who have died from AIDS.
Eric Politzer
<> SF
The STOP AIDS Project STOP AIDS is the oldest community based peer support AIDS education and prevention organization for gay and bisexual men. This site includes prevention information, training manuals, media campaigns and extensive links to other Internet AIDS resources.
Pollock/Silk <>
0 seconds, 12 minutes, 2 hours, 20 days. An off-site sound installation commemorating the 50th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Whitney Potter <>
Whitney's Web World. A continually evolving hyper-index to my life and interests. Currently featuring my Resume and Photo Gallery. Soon to feature guides to World-wide hiking and San Francisco Rollerblading.
Steve Ramsey <>
The Laurel & Hardy Web Page! Another fine mess!
Adam Raubfogel
<> San
Francisco, CA
SF DESIGN Professional site for SF DESIGN - computer based graphic company covering all your needs, both personal, business or on-line. Personal site of THE WACKY WORLD OF ADAM RAUBFOGEL.
kevin ready
<> san
A Shocking Look at Real Time This page actually resides as a frame in my site: "" This page demonstrates bandwidth speeds of various media using Macromedia Shockwave technology.
Miles Reed
<> San
Miles' Home Page Very suave
Greg Reeder <>
Reeder's Egypt Page. This page is dedicated to the art, archaeology, and history of Egypt. It features a link to KMT: A MODERN JOURNAL OF ANCIENT EGYPT. Also it has a clickable tour of the tomb of Niankhkhanum and Khanumhotep, manicurists to the 5th Dynasty King Niusere.
Results! Results! is a consulting firm that helps emerging technology companies establish distribution channels worldwide.
Bart Rice
<> San Francisco
Black Bart Productions A web site dedicated to Artistic Endeavors in the Audio/Visual realm; Software Developement; Communication(s); Conscience Developement; Universal Peace, Love, and Understanding; and the ongoing pursuit of Self-Realization & Actualization for All.
Personal, Dodge Viper
Harold Robinson <>
Floating The Net. This site includes "The Museum Professional," an index of Online resources relating to the museum field. Also the usual homepage, which will include strange homemade cartoons and sounds with a strange brand of humor.
Christian Rollet
<> El Cerrito
Rocky's Pizza A authentic New York Pizza menu
Josh Rotenberg <>
ParaSite. ParaSite is a good place to find stuff. So far, it includes: The List, a comprehensive listing of Bay Area punk rock shows, Punk Stuff, an ever expanding list of online resources for independent record labels, distributors, zines, etc., and links to other ways to waste time on the Internet--hence the name ParaSite. Always under construction.
Stas Rutkowski <>
Sirius Solutions Web sites and helpful docs. A launching point for new users of the WWW and home to Sirius Solutions Web pushing. The Gallery for the Digital Arts. This gallery was started in the hopes that one day computer graphics would be considered fine art in the art community, and the world. NOMAD Body <> Caters to tribal aesthetics and consciousness.
John Sappington
<> San Francisco
bASE.ARTS Title Listing Interactive Arts by Artists
Michael Sattler <>
Digital Jungle Consulting Services
Trevor J Saxty
First Flight A place to learn to fly. Online flight lessons and information about becoming a pilot.
Michael S. Schwartz <>
Michael S. Schwartz Photography. Photos of musicians from the west coast, shot for labels and magazines. Fashion and Fine Art work as well.
Ashraf Seddeek
<> SF
Ashraf Seddeek This site is still a personal site. Visit for some Egyptian links. Watch the site for a press release in Feb.96.
Jonathan Segel <>
MAGNETIC. San Francisco musicians trying to make good.
Michael Sexton
Michael Sexton Photography This site is an online portfolio of commercial photography. It contains editorial, digital, personal, and recent work.
Michael Sheehan
<> San
OXY-SF Occidental College Bay Area Alumni The OXY-SF website is designed to bring Occidental College Bay Area Alumni a bit closer together. The site contains info on current Alumni events, connections and resources for Bay Area Alumni. One can find Bay Area culture, entertainment, career and academic resources as well.
Kablooieland! Useless information about someone you don't know... plus hot links!
Shimako-Dominguez Department
of Public Works
<> San
S.D.D.P.W. Sound Project Mix tapes from hot underground DJs in the San Francisco Bay Area. Featuring music from the house, rave, trance and trip-hop club scenes
Samantha Simpson <>
Samantha's Funky Web Site. Interactive art projects, Pro Wrestlers, the PreRaphealites, and a story about a planted head
Caryl Shaw
<> San
Caryl's Lesbian Links I categorize, review and rate Web sites of interests to dykes.
Danny Skarka <>
A discription? Who knows, it's a web site. It full of worthless information. It's like TV in the 50's. Poor now, but will be considered a classic in 40 years.
Kevin Smith
<> SF
Rick Sneed
San Francisco
MAXOnline MAXOnline...a unique perspective on the gay community and MAX member information. Mens Associated Exchange is the nation's largest gay fraternal organization with morethan 800 members. Based in San Francisco, MAX stages a wide variety of sports, entertianment, arts, educational and social events for our members and the San Francisco gay community.
Roy T. Sniffen <>
Resident of the Bully Pulpit. The story of how a seminarian got sidetracked on his way to a church pulpit and settled for an electronic one instead.
Spotted Antelope Multimedia
<> San Mateo,
Spotted Antelope Multimedia Introduction to the work and philosophy of Spotted Antelope Multimedia, an interactive/web site design studio.
Colonel Carl
<> Presidio
of San Francisco
U.S. Army 6th Recruiting Brigade - Team West The 6th Recruiting Brigade is responsible for recruiting operations in the Western United States, Alaska, and the Pacific. This site provides links to subordinate units and resources for Army recruiters.
Kim Stahl
<> San Francisco
Kim's Home Page Link to my Mae West Homepage -- a true original. Then stay to link to number of other cool sites.
Scott Stark <>
Flicker. Home page for alternative and underground cinema
Ken Sitz
<> San
PostFundamentalism, Defending the Rights of the Un-Born-Again PostFundamentalism, or PostFun, acts as an antidote to the Christian Right, challenges destructive dogmas and agendas with humor and style, defends the rights of the un-born-again, and critiques the prophet motive.
Scott Sterbenz
The Streets of San Francisco. Everything about San Francisco...that you never wanted your parents to know about. Laugh. Cry. Spit. Kick.
John Stevens
The Seminary Student's Web Page Shed your theological skins and embrace the gift of laughter!!
christian svanes-kolding
<> san francisco
firepen - an urban journal an evolving journal rising above the tryanny of mediocrity. new editions weekly.
Ates Temeltas
Golden Horn Productions Home Page Golden Horn is an independent music label that was formed in 1995. Our first release was a jazz CD by a Swedish Quintet. World Music releases will follow. You will also find information on musicians, discographies, and an events calendar. Check it out!
360 degrees
<> S F
360 degrees Complete solutions for your Internet needs 360 degrees caters to every need related to the conception and nurturing of Web sites and other Internet needs. Our services are comprehensive -- from authoring your company's literature, to ongoing maintenance and administration of your Web site. Although Web sites are the focal point of our business, we offer a full complement of Internet-related services: including training, public relations, art direction, networking workgroups and more.
Carter Tomassi <>
Carter's Home Page. A personal web site with images from Alamo Square, Animation and the Allman Brothers Band. And maybe other stuff, too.
<> San
Beware Sleestak Web Page Beware Sleestak's official web page. Audio clips, mailing list sign-up, and Enik's Fun Zone. This new-wave-punk band's page is not to be believed!
Lina Urtula
<> San
Francisco Family Caregiver Alliance is a nonprofit organization that helps families who care for loved ones with Alzheimer's disease, stroke, Parkinson's disease, ALS, AIDS dementia, head injury and other disabling brain disorders. FCA serves as an information clearinghouse on adult-onset brain impairments, caregiver assistance, and long-term care policy issues, and is the lead agency in California's statewide system of Caregiver Resource Centers.
Paul Vachier <;>
HTML guide for web designers A guide to HTML 3.0 for web designers. Link back to my home page, resume, cool and interesting links, etc.
Andrew Van Dis
Home Page Home Page
Stephen Voisin <>
SOV WEB Out of Site! Some interesting concepts/sounds/images/ideas, that you may never have thought or heard of...
vivian walsh
<> why, san
Monkey Business Homepage Enter a brief description of your Web page here. First homepage on the web authored by a monkey: Space Monkey. He was also the first chimp in space. We catch-up with him when the astro-chimp is middle-aged and heading a giant manufacturing interest.
Fenton Wan <>
Links to the world
Jeff Von Ward
<> San
Get the low-down on the 1996 Sundance Film Festival.
TEKACHI PRONO PAGE. Soon to be Kings and Queens of Psychedelic-tribal-PRONO-f**knoise, TEKACHI, are pleased to announce their new web site. It includes a bio, catalog, sounds, and links. An art gallery and quicktime movies are in the making.
david weissberg <>
low res fil festival. for our film festival coming in october...
Dean Wiener <>
Deaner's You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll get bored. It's the usual mish-mash of personal stuff, general links, gay links, resume, slightly bizarre photo.
Willow's Grove A virtual studio...
Glen Winkel, Ph.D.
<> San Francisco
Optimal Nutrition For the latest information on nutrition for athletes, immune system health, specific health issues and whole-food supplements. Plus lots of other nutritional information on blood sugar stabilizing foods (glycemic index) and how to enhance your overall health both through eating properly and through supplements
Matthew Winship
<> Mt. Tabor, NJ
Matt's Kick Ass Home Page This will be my cool page it is STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION. It will have lists of other sites in other areas.
John Wright
<> El
JCW Productions This page covers reviews of computer products including servers, desktops, operating systems (NT, WIN95), and games (with cheat codes). I've also included some amusing stories and some interesting links. Future pages will cover kids, more reviews (including NT 4.0), and other hobbies.
Lance Wong
The Virtual Monument Caveat surfer! My Web site is nothing more than a monument to myself. It's my 5 megabytes of fame. What hath Tim Berners-Lee wrought?
Sam's Homepage. Some of my humor columns. Some of my "cool" lists. My 80's music. Some pictures. And Spam.
Pamela Z's Home Page. Pamela Z composer/performer doing experimental music and audio art. This page gives information about her work and her current projects, and allows you to hear some samples of her work. (There are also interesting sound and performance links included.)
Phillip Ziegler
<> Oakland
Skeptic's Guide To the 12 Steps I have included a chapter from my book, A Skeptic's Guide to the 12 Steps and articles on addiction, recovery and spirituality without religion. Also articles on relationship as spiritual practice. Maybe some poetry soon.
Lucie Zivny
<> San
Shivny fine european cabinets This page features information about our cabinet making business, including pictures of our product.
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