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The Open Gateways Program
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Open Gateways Program

Open Gateways:
In The News

The Open Gateways Program is Sun's multi-pronged approach to providing K-12 teachers and students with access to the Internet, and to building wide-area networks (WANs) in and between schools. Through the Open Gateways Program, Sun donates hardware, software, training and support to schools and school districts.

In California's Silicon Valley, the Open Gateways Program supports Smart Schools-Netday '96, an effort to install a full broadband network infrastructure (phone lines, servers, routers, hubs) in schools. Open Gateways also supports NetDay '96, a statewide effort to prepare schools or Internet connections by cabling five classrooms, the library and a computer lab(s) on March 9, 1996.

Open Gateways Products

Open Gateways Volunteers

Open Gateways Teacher Training


The Open Gateways Program supports a major effort called Smart Schools-NetDay '96 that will install a full broadband network infrastructure - phone lines, servers, routers, hubs - in participating schools in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties, California by March 9. The Smart Schools-NetDay '96 effort is being led by Smart Valley, Inc..

Many of the school districts participating in Smart Schools-NetDay '96 have received Open Gateways Grants from Sun Corporate Affairs.

A separate effort, the California-wide NetDay '96 initiative, will prepare schools or Internet connections by cabling five classrooms, the library and a computer lab(s) on March 9, 1996.

Last updated February 21, 1995
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Copyright 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 2550 Garcia Ave., Mtn. View, CA 94043-1100 USA. All rights reserved.