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Laboratory for Chemical Reaction Engineering of Dispersions

prof.dr.ir. B. Drinkenburg

Department of Chemical Process Engineering
Eindhoven University of Technology

Phone: +31(40)472970
Fax: +31(40)446104
Telex: 51163 tuenl

Gas/solid dispersions; fluidisation

ir. H.W. Piepers

Stirred tanks

ir. J.G. Wijers: tgtcjw@chem.tue.nl

Preparation of monodisperse particles

dr. A. Eshuis

Polymerization reactors

dr. J. Meuldijk

Chemical Reactor Development

prof.dr.ir. D. Thoenes

Chemical Process Equipment

prof. ir. W. Herman de Groot

Maintained by Martien Verbruggen
email: tgtcmv@chem.tue.nl
tel: +31(40)473673