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UMIACS Research Laboratories

Research Laboratories

Laboratory for Parallel Computation
Explains the available supercomputing facilities available to the research community at UMIACS.

High Performance Systems Laboratory
The CHAOS research group at the University of Maryland, College Park has developed methods that are making it possible to produce portable compilers and runtime libraries to map a broad range of challenging applications onto high performance computer architectures.

Computational Linguistics and Information Processing (CLIP) Lab
The Computational Linguistics and Information Processing (CLIP) Lab promotes research interaction at a variety of levels including faculty, postdoctoral researchers, and graduate and undergraduate students who are interested in a variety of areas including Information Mediation, Heterogeneous Knowledge Servers, Information Filtering and Retrieval, Machine Translation, Psycholinguistics, Linguistically based approaches to Natural Language Processing and Foreign Language Tutoring.

Software Engineering for Real-Time Systems Laboratory (SERTS)
Directed by Dr. David B. Stewart, this is a joint effort with the Electrical Engineering Department and is also affiliated with the Institute for Systems Research. Some of the projects include Chimera Real Time Operating System, and Onika Visual Programming Environment (in collaboration with CMU).

Experimental Software Engineering Group
The Experimental Software Engineering Group (ESEG) of the University of Maryland has the original view of software engineering as a laboratory science. Specific research projects are centered around formalizing various aspects of (a) the Quality Improvement Paradigm (QIP), (b) the Goal/Question/Metric approach (GQM), and (c) the Experience Factory (EF).

P-CHASM Laboratory
The P-CHASM laboratory seeks to apply ideas developed in the high-end scientific computing area to commercial applications including databases and mixed media. It consists of a network of commodity personal computers connected by a high speed LAN.

The DIMSUM Project
The DIMSUM (Distributed Information Management Systems at the University of Maryland) project is developing a flexible architecture to support both queries and navigational data access in local-area and wide-area distributed systems.

Mobile Computing and Multimedia Lab (MCML)
The goal of this lab is to investigate technical problems related to Mobile Computing and Multimedia Networking and the integration of these two technologies. Mobility Routing Protocols, Service Location Protocols, Protocol and Device Performance Evaluation, Multimedia Teleconferencing, Video on Demand, Multimedia QOS requirements on ATM networks and Operating System Design and Implementation are some of the issues being researched.

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Last updated November 13, 1995