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The University of Michigan

Regents and Executive Officers

Regents of the University

Deane Baker, Ann Arbor
Laurence B. Deitch, Bloomfield Hills
Daniel D. Horning, Grand Haven
Shirley M. McFee, Battle Creek
Rebecca McGowan, Ann Arbor
Andrea Fischer Newman, Ann Arbor
Philip H. Power, Ann Arbor
Nellie M. Varner, Detroit
James J. Duderstadt, ex-officio

Executive Officers of the University

James J. Duderstadt, M.S., Ph.D.

Charlie Nelms, M.S., Ed.D.
Chancellor, The University of Michigan - Flint

James C. Renick, A.M., Ph.D.
Chancellor, The University of Michigan - Dearborn

J. Bernard Machen, M.S., D.D.S., Ph.D.
Interim Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

Farris W. Womack, M.Ed., Ed.D.
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Thomas C. Kinnear, M.B.A., Ph.D.
Interim Vice President for Development

Homer A. Neal, M.S., Ph.D.
Vice President for Research

Roberta R. Palmer, M.A.
Secretary of the University

Maureen A. Hartford, M.A., Ed.D.
Vice President for Student Affairs

Walter L. Harrison, M.A., Ph.D.
Vice President for University Relations

Rhetaugh G. Dumas, Ph.D.
Vice Provost for Health Affairs

Jon Cosovich, A.B., Deputy to the President

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