(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
Crystallography World Wide
The Crystallography section of the World-Wide-Web Virtual Library is available to provide extensive coverage of internet-based information concerning crystallography and of interest to crystallographers and is distributed from several sites:
Organization of 'Crystallography World Wide'
Addresses of crystallographers - [top]
- Information on forthcoming crystallographic meetings world-wide, arranged by type, date
and place, and reports on previous meetings.
- An geographic index of net servers concerned with crystallography arranged by country and town.
Journals for Crystallography - [top]
News on Crystallography - [top]
- Newsgroups
- Mailing lists
- There is a list of printed newsletters available.
- Newsletters in electronic form
- Information servers
- SINCRIS - Serveur d'information National en CRIStallographie - France
Software for crystallography - [top]
[Bio Sciences]
[Earth Science]
[Electronic Journals]
[Standards and Standardization Bodies]
[United Nations and other international organizations]
11th March 1996 -
Crystallography World Wide Editor - Acknowledgements