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UQ-WWW Announcements

UQ Web Service Announcements

System Updates

Password Changes

If you have been away on holidays, and can no longer login to dingo, student, or the modem Annexes, your password has probably expired. On December 18, 1995, all passwords which had not been changed since November 3 were automatically expired for security reasons. If you are in this category, you will need to visit the Prentice Centre Client Service counter (in the main foyer) to collect a new password. Please remember to bring identification.

Password Change WWW Page

There is now a Password Change form on the new UQ Networking Support Page, which has a link directly from the UQ Home Page.

Enter your username, current password and new password (twice) and then select . You will then get a page indicating success or failure.

[Note - access control on this service makes it available only within the UQ network, including from SLIP/PPP hosts. Specifically, access is allowed only from hosts in the 130.102.* and 192.168.* networks.]

Pop (Eudora) password change daemon now available

Dingo and student now run a pop password change daemon. This allows a Eudora user to use the "Change Password" function within Eudora. Note that this applies only to users with dingo or student accounts. It does NOT apply to users on bunyip, brolga or any other host.

The "Change Password" function is available within Eudora under the "Special" pull-down menu. You will be prompted for the old password and then the new password (twice). You will then be notified on a pop-up box whether or not the change was successful.

[Note - access control on this service makes it available only within the UQ network, including from SLIP/PPP hosts. Specifically, access is allowed only from hosts in the 130.102.* and 192.168.* networks.]

Publishing Web Pages on dingo and student

The procedures for publishing personal and departmental web pages on dingo and student have now been simplified. Refer to the UQ Networking Support Page for details.

Proxy Server Update

Proxy problems seem to have been largely solved thanks to the dedicated efforts of Julianne Weekers. Departmental Liaison Officers are being kept informed of developments, so staff are urged to contact their DLO if they experience any difficulties. The proxy server names, entered in Netscape via the "Preferences" item in the Options pull-down menu, should be set as follows :
   Service        Server Name	          Port
  FTP Proxy       ftp-proxy.uq.edu.au      80
  Gopher Proxy    gopher-proxy.uq.edu.au   80
  HTTP Proxy      http-proxy.uq.edu.au     80
In the "No Proxy for" field you should have
  uq.edu.au   uq.oz.au

Symptoms of proxy server errors are "Page contains no data" error messages, truncated ftp downloads, and sometimes the inability to connect to remote sites. Note that some of these errors may also be caused by corrupted Netscape/Mosaic disk or memory caches, so before seeking help, it is a good idea to try flushing your disk and memory caches to see if this fixes the problem.

Dial-in Help

Every day we receive many inquiries about dialin access to the UQ network. For information on how to apply for dialin and network access accounts, eligibility, and charging, call the Prentice Centre Client Service Desk (3365-4400), or read the following Factsheets.

If you already have a dialin account but you're experiencing difficulties connecting to the network, be sure to check out the Prentice Centre Network Services Modem Setup Index for up-to-date information about the best initialization strings to use for a range of modems. If you still have no luck connecting to one of the Annexes, send email to dialin@cc.uq.edu.au, or phone the Client Service Desk. Be sure to have information about your modem make and model, the software you are using to dial in, and your account on hand when calling. It is also important to include this information in email help requests to Prentice Centre support staff.

Image Maps

The UQ web servers, student and dingo, now support the revised imagemap program. The previous version only allowed interactive maps to be used if the .map files were stored in a (privileged) configuration subdirectory on the server. The new version allows users to create their own .map files, and store them in their public_html directory, or any nominated subdirectory in the htdocs subtree.

For information on how to create and setup interactive maps, refer to the Yahoo imagemap index and the NCSA Imagemap Tutorial

Web Page Counter Update

Due to delays in the release of version 2.0 of the freeware web page counter program, the proposed date for introducing the new page counter mechanism on the UQ Web Service has been postponed until early 1996.

Enquiries to webmaster@cc.uq.edu.au
Document Last Edited: 5 March 1996