(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
The Student Microcomputer Facility (SMF) is located in FAC 212, 475-9336.
The facility is open to all UT Austin students. A Computation Center account (IF or departmental) with PRS validation is required to use the lab. Please send suggestions and comments concerning the SMF to
- Hours
- Sunday noon - Friday 9:45pm;
- Saturday 9am - 9:45pm
- Software
- Including Microsoft Office, WordPerfect, Canvas, Photoshop, PageMaker, and Internet Clients.
- Hardware
- 144 Macintosh Quadra 800; 49 Dell Dimension XPS 466V
- 7 Color Scanners; 7 SyQuest Drives
- Instruction
- Frequently Asked Questions; Tutorials and Online Help
- Classes; Consulting
- Lab Usage
- Current Usage, Usage Patterns and Waiting List Data.
- Services
- Software Distribution; ClassWare; Equal Access to Computers