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Academic Opportunity Center

From left: Troy Washington, Ramona Carter, John Ewing, and Carla Von Roenn.

Congratulations to them, and to all of our Fall 1995 graduates!

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The Academic Opportunity Center (AOC), formerly the Department of Learning Skills and Educational Opportunity, provides access to The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) for students who have academic potential but whose prior education may not have adequately prepared them for college. In addition to admitting students, the Center proivdes support services for students to help them develop their academic skills and adjust to university life.

Warning! This page is under heavy construction.
Not all links have been made.

You may also visit our Gopher site!

Admissions and Advising | Instruction
General Information | Student Support Services | Staff Information
Our Students

Calendar | Career Connections |
Division of Student Academic Development
Financial Aid | Tutoring

This page is designed for use with Netscape version 1.22. For any questions or comments regarding the Academic Opportunity Center home page, please contact Brenda Jackson via e-mail at brendaj@csd.uwm.edu

Special thanks to Mariann Littell and Michael Meyers for their outstanding graphics assistance.

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This page was updated on February 21, 1996.